Sacraments Practicum: Holy Orders Slide 1 of 6 Priest→←Deacon ↑Bishop ↑
The MINISTER of Holy Orders Only bishops ordain new deacons, priests and bishops Slide 2 of 6 Here is a priest being ordained a bishop. The Book of the Gospels is held over his head during part of the prayers.→
The MATTER of Holy Orders A baptized man to ordain Slide 3 of 6 During part of the ordination mass, the guys being ordained lie down on the floor to show their surrender to Christ.→
The FORM of Holy Orders First, you (the bishop) lay your hands over/on the head of your volunteer man, in silence. Slide 4 of 6
The FORM of Holy Orders Then you (the bishop) raise your hands and pray the REALLY LONG prayer of consecration. Just say the words “Prayer of consecration” three times. Slide 5 of 6
Deacon: the grace to serve the Church and preach the Gospel Priest: the grace to offer Mass, absolve sin and anoint the sick Bishop: the grace to guide the Church in holiness Slide 6 of 6 There are different GRACES for the three Holy Orders: