Advanced Access Project Team Presentation San Mateo Medical Center Innovative Care Team October 30, 2008
General Aim Statement The Innovative Care Clinic (ICC) uses a team approach and strives for high quality care that addresses total health with emphasis on self empowerment, education, and prevention by improving access and efficiency
Clinical Goals for Diabetics 60% of patients will have A1c <7.0 60% of patients to have Blood Pressure <130/80. 80% of patients will have LDL< % of patients will be given Pneumovax 80% of patients will get a yearly retinal screening 80% of patients will have a yearly foot exam 80% of patients will have a yearly mammogram
Access Aims by June 2009 Implement Advanced Access with goal of 50% of patients calling for an appointment to be seen that day Establish and actively manage panels for all providers Decrease the No Show Rate to less than 20% Decrease ER visits by 20% for paneled patients Increase provider productivity by 10% All patients will receive a response from a defined health care team by the end of the day Perform 1,000 retinal screen for diabetics utilizing the new diabetes Retinal Camera
Office Efficiency Aims Decrease cycle time to less than 60 minutes Advanced chart preparation for each provider Pre-registration two days prior to visits for all patients Create patient care teams consisting of a provider, MA, PSA, and RN Follow up visit given to each patient prior to leaving the clinic Implement medication management program Institute patient and staff satisfaction monthly survey
Results (Measures) Insert graphs from your measures here
Results (Measures) Insert graphs from your measures here
Results (Measures) Insert graphs from your measures here
Results (Measures)
Insert graphs from your measures here
Access/Efficiency Improvement: Best Practices, Good Ideas, and Successes Space evaluation and reconfiguration New staff recruitment and hiring Creation of patient care teams Chronic Disease Management/CDEMS Medication Management Program AEMR implementation
SMMC Uses Web-Based Technology to Screen Patients
Pre-registration Two Days Before The Visit
Challenges, Issues, Questions Staff acceptance/capacity for change Magnitude of data collection Development of teams and work flow Project evaluation Time requirement for training staff