Museum of Holocaust Resistance
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When Hans Scholl was a child, he was a dedicated follower of the Nazi Party. His family was so dedicated that he willingly joined a group of the Nazi Regime called the “Hitler Youth”. Scholl undoubtedly believed solely in the authority of the Nazi Party. EARLY LIFE Return to Room
After a while, Hans Scholl began to realize the inhumane and unjust beliefs of Hitler and the Nazi Party. After this realization, Scholl created a resistance group called the “White Rose Movement”. In this group, they created leaflets which displayed the horror and gore of the massacres that the Nazi’s were committing. These Leaflets were the foundation of the White Rose Movement. WHITE ROSE MOVEMENT Return to Room
FAMILY RESISTANCE Return to Room The Scholl Family could have been called the Family of Resistors. Most of the family members were arrested at one point in time for showcasing their oppositional opinion of the Nazi Rules and Regulations. Just as Sophie and Hans, their father was Anti- Nazi and was arrested briefly for displaying that publicly.
Hans and Sophie Scholl were executed by guillotine on the 22 nd of February, Hans and Sophie were caught working on a future leaflet of the White Rose Movement by a fellow peer, and they were reported to the SS. Hans, Sophie and another fellow leader of the White Rose Movement were charged and found guilty of “undermining military morale,” “aiding the enemy” and “conspiracy to commit high treason.” EXECUTION Return to Room
Hans Scholl will always be remembered as a dedicated leader of the resistance group, “The White Rose Movement”. He changed the thoughts and views of fellow Germans, and he was able to make people see the truth and horror of the Nazi Movement and their leader. Germany now honors Hans, Sophie and all of the members of the White Rose Movement by having a memorial placed outside of their college. LEGACY Return to Room
Hans Scholl was one of the few full Germans in Germany who resisted against the Nazi Regime. He was born in Ingersheim and his father was the mayor of Forchtenberg am Kocher. Hans was the second of six children and would later become the Leader of the White Rose Movement. HANS SCHOLL
Although some may not know this, there were a lot of acts of resistance in World War 2 Germany. Although not many German people were in charge of these, there were exceptions including the Scholl Family. Most of these resistors, unfortunately, were executed and charged of relaying information to the enemy and others relating to this charge. HOLOCAUST RESISTANCE
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