Roman Amphitheatres IL Colosseo
Roman Amphitheatres As we have already seen under Theatres the Roman’s had a macabre interest with the circus and the arena. We must presume that armed combat, as a sport, developed from the famous “funeral games” of ancient times. They are referred to in Homer. They were known in Rome as a munus, a human sacrifice to be enjoyed by the populace.
Roman Amphitheatre It was also a fantastic way of honing warrior skills in times of peace. These games would have originally taken place in the Forum Romanum. Just like with the theatres temporary seating would be erected on special designated days. However as the populace grew and needed more entertainment more often, a more permanent structure had to be considered.
Roman Amphitheatres The demand for such games even led the senate to pass a decree, which disqualified any magistrate seeking election, if they had financed them. Amphitheatre means double theatre. It is essentially two theatres placed back to back with the stages removed.
Roman Amphitheatres The earliest extant Roman amphitheatre was built at Pompeii in 80B.C. Sulla colonised the town with his veterans as a punishment for the town’s involvement in the Social War. In order to keep his veterans happy and entertained an amphitheatre was commissioned.
Roman Amphitheatres It was built in the south eastern corner of the city. It used the city walls as an abutment to the seating. The rest of the seating was partly supported by the fact that 6m of earth had been excavated below original ground level. The excavated earth was piled up and contained within a concrete wall to support the other parts of the seating. Crude but effective. The construction is approximately 140m by 105 and is elliptical in shape. The arena itself is 70m by 35m.
Roman Amphitheatres The entrances and the vaulting of the arena are not as elaborate as those of the Colosseum built, 160 years later. Access was gained mainly through two double external staircases on the west side and single staircases on the north and south ends.