Welcome to Year Pine Martens: Mrs Parish and Mrs Bats: Mrs
Start of the Day School starts at 8:50am. All parents and children are to wait on the infant playground until the whistle has blown. Please DO NOT allow your children on playground equipment before or after school – we have had broken limbs from unsupervised children last year. The lower junior children are to walk to the external junior door. If you wish to speak to the teacher please go to this door not through the school. This is to encourage independence. Being punctual is vital as it ensures that the children start at the same time as their peers and do not miss out on important learning. If you arrive after 9:05am the door will be locked. Please report to the office because the registers will have been sent. Attendance is extremely important and needs to be at least 90% to ensure that your child’s learning does not fall behind.
Break Times and Lunch Times Children are allowed to have a healthy snack at break, e.g. fruit, yoghurt bars, etc. There will be a healthy tuck shop twice a week which will be up and running shortly. The children will need no more than 50p. If children are hot dinners then they choose their lunch at the beginning of the day. Children are encouraged to use the toilet and fill up their water bottles at these times.
End of Day Children are responsible for everything to go home (letters, etc) Children will leave through their classroom doors. Parents are asked to wait on the infant playground and the children will be sent down. Please DO NOT allow your children on playground equipment before or after school – we have had broken limbs from unsupervised children last year. If somebody else is collecting your child, please can you inform the office or the class teacher. If you know you are going to be late picking your child up, please phone ahead and let us know as soon as possible. Children know that if you are not there, they are to return to their class and wait with their teacher. If the child is still waiting to be collected then they are taken down to the office.
Rules Each class has its own set of rules which have been elected by the children. Sanctions are on display in the classroom Stamp Cards (learning behaviours) House Points (work) Class Points (whole class) Extra classroom rewards set by the teacher Playground rules – red/yellow card
Reading Reading – we will continue with our very successful Accelerated Reader programme. There is an expectation that you will read with your child regularly. The children are responsible for taking a quiz and changing their reading book when they have finished. Please let us know if you are able to volunteer to hear children read, or anyone else who could help, e.g. grand parents.
P.E and Equipment All children need to do P.E even if they forget their kit. It is part of the National Curriculum. If for any reason your child is unable to do P.E they need to bring a written note in. A letter will be sent home if there is a consistent lack of PE kit. P.E kit: white top, white or black shorts, black pumps. For outside games; a tracksuit and some trainers. P.E kits have to be in school all week. The children are allowed to have a water bottle in the classroom which they must fill at break; it needs to have a sports cap lid. No juice or squash. This bottle needs to be separate to their lunch bottle. Children can have pencil cases, which will be kept in their trays. All items need to be named. School bags need to be able to fit into the lockers.
Homework Learning Logs are every 2 weeks Times tables regularly (up to 12 x 12) Read, Write, Inc. Spellings Log Book. Children will come home with a few individual spellings. Read regularly with your child – ask questions such as: “What do you think will happen next? Why”. Parental Link with AR – watch this space Evidence has shown that work sheets are not the most conducive way for your child to learn. Instead here at The Willows we would prefer you to support your child using fun mathematical activities. This will encourage fluency in maths.
Topics This Year Romans (Roman invasion) –Roman visitor to the school –Key Text: “Roman Invasion” by Jim Eldridge Rainforest and Deforestation –Butterfly Museum –Key Text: “The Great Kapok Tree” by Lynne Cherry Lights, Camera, Action –Harry Potter Studios –Key Text: “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” by J.K Rowling Parallel classes will be consistent, children will be studying the same topics and objectives in both classes and expectation are the same.
General If you need to speak to the teacher please do so at the end of the day or make an appointment through the office, unless it is urgent. Name EVERYTHING! Uniform: children are to wear the school uniform, they are not allowed to wear bracelets, girls need to tie their hair up if it is shoulder length or longer and earrings must be stud earrings. Parentpay; no money will be collected by the school, this is now done online. If you have any problems, please see the office. Signing up for free school meals provides children with more life opportunities than just the meal.
General Local consent forms need to be filled in. If you would like any information about clubs from outside school, please see the office. Well Done Assembly is at 9:15am on Friday. Curriculum Map will give you an outline of the skills the children will be learning during the school term. School trips are always educational and not just fun. There will be one main trip, but if people do not pay for the trip it will be cancelled. If you are finding it difficult to pay for a trip please speak to Mrs McBride confidentially. Please read the newsletter and check Twitter. If you we will respond within 5 working days. Holidays
Lower Juniors Any Questions?