Before Canada Influences Influences Ideas Ideas Social forces Social forces
Sports, Games, Contests Through Time Egyptians Egyptians Greeks Greeks Romans Romans Middle Ages Middle Ages Property,Chivalry, and the unruly Knight Property,Chivalry, and the unruly Knight Village Games Village Games Court Games Court Games Napoleon Napoleon Imperialism and the Nation States Imperialism and the Nation States
The Mycenaeans ~ BC ~ BC Homer Homer The Illiad The Illiad The Odyssey The Odyssey anthropomorphism anthropomorphism
Sport and the Body Important ritual in life and death Important ritual in life and death Physical skill as a marker of manhood Physical skill as a marker of manhood Physical form as a god-pleaser Physical form as a god-pleaser The body as god-like The body as god-like Size, speed, strength Size, speed, strength Honour and respect Honour and respect Corporeal punishment Corporeal punishment
Stages of Thought – Greek Sport Glorification Glorification Glorification and criticism Glorification and criticism Severe criticism Severe criticism
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Rome Greek fleshy athletes Greek fleshy athletes Military conquest Military conquest Stability through control Stability through control Slaves Slaves Flow of goods Flow of goods 1 million 1 million Emperors Emperors
Roman Facilities Colosseum Colosseum Circus Circus Forum Forum Thermae Thermae
Gladiators and Victims Prisoners of War Prisoners of War Slaves Slaves Religious Criminals Religious Criminals Professional Gladiators Professional Gladiators Condemned Criminals Condemned Criminals
Bread and Circuses The Hunt The Hunt Spectacle Theatre Spectacle Theatre Naumachiae Naumachiae
Christianity Christianity Constantine – Constantinople Constantine – Constantinople Holy Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire War - instability War - instability
Christianity and the Body Temple for the soul Temple for the soul Enemy Enemy “flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit lusteth against the flesh” “flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit lusteth against the flesh” “I bruise my own body and make it know its master” “I bruise my own body and make it know its master”
Middle Aged Bodies Christianity preached about the afterlife…forget about worldly pleasures Christianity preached about the afterlife…forget about worldly pleasures Average people (peasants and labourers) – survival – high death rates, attacks – folk games Average people (peasants and labourers) – survival – high death rates, attacks – folk games
Knights Chivalric education Chivalric education The Christian soldier The Christian soldier
12 th Century Knighthood Training to protect the lord’s land Training to protect the lord’s land Wars and crusades Wars and crusades Pageantry for the court Pageantry for the court Ladies in waiting Ladies in waiting
Village games and country festivals Village games and country festivals Staying alive – family rituals, games and competitions Staying alive – family rituals, games and competitions (clip) (clip)
Napoleon and Nationhood Germany Germany Denmark Denmark Sweden Sweden England England The United States The United States Canada Canada
Aboriginal Games