The Mayan civilization was developing as the Roman Empire was declining! Landscape- South- pine forests covered the highlands North and central regions were rainforests, grasslands, and swamps known as lowlands Thick jungle covered parts of the low lands and this is where Mayan civilization reached its highest development
Mayan Crops and Agriculture Planted crops such as maize, squash, beans, and chili peppers which kept the Mayans on a balanced and healthy diet/lifestyle Due to terrains, Mayans developed several agriculture techniques Terrace farming in the mountains Created raised earth platforms in the lowlands In the dense forest they used slash and burn farming ○ Define in notes- Slash and Burn Agriculture-the cutting and burning of plants in forests or woodlands to create fields for planting crops.
Origins Mayan developed in western and southern Mexico Developed their own system of Hieroglyphics Lacked metal and had not discovered the wheel…they built elaborate cities with temple pyramids and observatories to study the sky LEAD TO DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHLY ACCURATE CALENDERS BASED ON MOVEMENT OF THE MOON, STARS AND PLANETS
How did the Mayan civilization begin and what was its political and economic structure? Availability of resources led to trade between villages in the Yucatan Peninsula Trade led to wealth, sharing of resources and exchange of ideas Group of city-states- each with its own king, who claimed to be descended from the sun god Constructed public buildings for government and religious purposes Center of each city-state was a ceremonial center consisting of temples, palaces for rulers/nobles, ball courts & markets
City states were united by their common culture; social system, language, calendar religion and way of life Small villages surrounded the ceremonial center and made up the city- state Kings expected the people to serve him Royal women married into royal families of other city states which increased trade & formed alliances
What were the main cultural characteristics of the Mayan society? Social Structure- Levels & role of each group
Ruler & family Nobles and Priests Craftsmen, merchants, traders Farmers and Hunters Slaves
Religion Many city states had their own government with their own god who they believed was chosen by the sun god Polytheistic Practiced human sacrifices to honor the Gods
Temple structure for human sacrifices- games where losers were sacrificed, POWs also sacrificed
Religion cont…. Sacred Round- Sacred ritual calendar Each day name represents a god Mayan Gods- many had animal characteristics Were forces that affected nature such as rain corn and death Offerings and Sacrifices animals or humans to please the gods Pok- a tok losers of Mayan games were sacrificed Sometimes slaves of higher rank were sacrificed
Achievements- Architecture Astronomy Calendar Paper Mathematics Temples
Fall of the Mayan Culture In 900 CE the classic period ended but no one knows the real cause Several theories have been names but none have been proven Over-farming created a drop in food production Attack from enemies Fighting among city-states Rebellion of peasants that overthrew king and priests Drought