Joint Meeting ATLAS-CERN Detector Group / PH-Detector Technology Group Overview of the PH-DT group: Group Structure Current Projects Services White Paper.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Meeting ATLAS-CERN Detector Group / PH-Detector Technology Group Overview of the PH-DT group: Group Structure Current Projects Services White Paper R&Ds Future Projects Christian Joram 21 April TA1 TA2 TA3 DT1 DT2 DT

2 Mandate of DT group The mandate of the PH/DT group comprises development, construction, operation and maintenance of particle detectors for the experiments at CERN. The group clusters common services and infrastructure which are at the benefice of all experiments at CERN, i.e. gas system support, thin film lab, silicon facility with bond lab, irradiation facilities, magnet support, B-field mapping, instrumentation and controls. 1 meeting/year a meeting / every 3 weeks

Structure and organization of DT SectionDescriptionStaffLeader PH-DT-POProjects Office9A. Catinaccio PH-DT-DIDetector Infrastructure27F.Hahn PH-DT-TPTechnology and Physics14C.Joram PH-DT-EM1Engineering & Mechanics 119D.Perini PH-DT-EM2Engineering & Mechanics 213H.Danielsson Group Leader : C. JoramC. Joram Deputies F. Hahn (Resource Coordinator)F. Hahn A. Onnela (Safety, workshops)A. Onnela Secretariat:V. Wedlake (shared with NA48/NA62) The group comprises 5 sections. 3 DT = 82* staff For each of the 4 large LHC experiments, we appointed a DT experiment contact person (ECP): Paolo Martinengo (ALICE), Mar Capeans (ATLAS), Joachim Bächler (CMS), Burkhard Schmidt (LHCb) Phys / Eng = 32 Tech (cat 3,4) = 50 6 CERN + 3 M.C. fellows * ~10% not available (ITER, long term sick leave, early retirement) 5 doct / 1 tech. student

4 Projects Office Detector Infrastructure Technologies and Physics Engineering & Mechanics 1 Engineering & Mechanics 2 M&O 1 Detector Project 1 R&D Projec t 1 M&O 2 Infrastructure M&O 1 Detector Project 2 Infrastructure Project 1 The activities of DT are organized in ~ 20 projects ~ 10 services 7 mechanical workshops 5 R&D activities Most of the projects extend over more than 1 section  Matrix organization. Most services are located in the Detector Infrastructure section. illustration BuildingResponsibleMain Use 3M. Van Stenis Specialized in glass and ceramic machining. CNC milling machine. 20 R. DumpsSmall workshop, conventional tools. 108 F. GarnierLarge Workshop / ATLAS Point 1 activities. 155A. WasemSmall Work-shop for Gas Lab. 162 B. CantinLarge workshop, conventional tools. 166 L. KottelatL. Kottelat / J.Bendotti/ J.BendottiConventional and CNC machines. 2252D. AnstettALICE activities at Point 2. Mechanical workshops 5 sections Projects, services, R&D

No Titlestatus P1 ALICE TPC Field CageM&O P2 ALICE HMPIDCommissioning / M&O P3 ATLAS TRT/ITM&O P4 ATLAS ALFAConstruction P5 CAST M&OM&O P6 CMS ECAL - endcapM&O P7 CMS PreshowerCommissioning P8 CMS Tracker (TOB)Commissioning / M&O P9 GAS M&OM&O, piquet service P10 GAS Systems GAS Systems (NA62, CLOUD)Construction P11 LHCb MuonConstruction / M&O P12 LHCb RICHM&O P13 LHCb Technical SupportM&O P14 Magnet Controls Magnet Controls (AMS)Construction P15 Magnet M&OM&O, piquet service P16 T2K Field MapperCommissioning P17 TOTEM RPConstruction P18 TOTEM T1/T2Construction NA62Proto CLOUDConstruction AEGISProto Currently active projects

No TitleDescription S1 DSF / Bond Lab.Bond Lab. Dep. Silicon Facility / Bonlab. Sensor/chip wire bonding, Si-detector assembly S2 Irradiation TestsPS T7, p/n irradiations (up to 10^16 cm -2 ), GIF S3 Thin Film Glass Lab Functional thin films (refl.,cond.,photosensitive), glass / ceramic machining S4 Radiation Monitoring Monitors for radiation monitoring in experiments (RadFETs, Si-diodes, passive/active), OSL. S5 Scintillators Construction of scintillators/light guides (jobs also for machine / ISOLDE / test beams) S6 Gas SupportDesign/construction of gas systems (non-LHC) S7 B-Field Measurements and Sensor Calibration Mapping of B-fields S8 Magnet Support and Repairs Warm experimental magnets (testbeams, ALICE, LHCb) S9 Gluing TechniquesGluing of detector components S10 Optics Lab.Characterization of mirrors, photodetectors etc. S11 ?Detector Coolingstarting up / see below Services, open to all CERN users

No TitleDescription Contact 1 WP4 + RD50 Rad hard Silicon tracking detectors Good link to ATLAS: H. Pernegger + common fellow A. de la Rosa M. Moll 2 WP5 + RD51 Micro pattern gas detectors Good link to ATLAS: J. Wotschak. Muon upgrade. Detailed discussions with N. Hessey. L. Ropelewski 3 WP7 New irradiation facilities and material studies New GIF++ facility / upgraded hadron facility Studies on gas detector aging (RPC) / material database M. Capeans 4WP11Detector Cooling (just starting) Thermal management of detectors Detector cooling technology P. Petagna 5WP6 Quality Assurance, mainly Si-detectors, just starting Environmental testing (T, H, vibration), accelerated lifetime,... We participate only marginally in the Interconnect part of WP6 (M. Campbell) A. Honma White Paper R&D project

Engineering R&D (discussion forum in 2008, all LHC experiments + DT participating, moderated by L.Linssen) We expressed interest to participate in a couple of common engineering R&D activities, e.g.  Detector cooling o CMX/DT/TE-CRG team has started to study suitability of CO 2 cooling for larges scale detectors. Pilot case: CMS pixel det. upgrade; (≠ CO2 cooling plant development). Timescale 18 months. o is now part of WP11 / DCP.  Reverse engineering = 3D models for high accuracy reconstruction of built structures. DT/BE- ABP. 1 shared fellow. Has started. Applied to ATLAS Inner Tracker services.  Material for future detectors (structural, thermal, radiation hard, pipework and joining techniques). Not yet really started. Overlaps a bit with WP7.

9 General approach for new projects Avoid fragmentation into too many mini projects (~1-2 FTE) Collaborate with experiment’s CERN group Try to apply available expertise and infrastructure (DSF, bond lab, thin film lab, irradiation facilities, mechanical workshops, gluing lab...) Find interesting projects to keep phys/eng/tech up to date in new technologies  Aim for ~2-3 main projects with major hardware deliverable + a couple of smaller projects. + engineering/integration/installation support Current involvement + vague options in LHC upgrade projects … (<2 FTE) ATLAS upgrade: participation to PO / engineering + … CMS upgrade: engineering, cooling study for upgraded pixel, pixel luminosity telescope, humidity measurement LHCb upgrade: VELO upgrade (40 MHz), RICH ALICE upgrade: VHMPID, pixel (cooling) TOTEM upgrade: Large GEM (T1), part of WP5 … we would like to start soon! … has already started

10 Detector cooling Autumn 08, DT proposal: Launch a common detector cooling activity in PH-DT (in analogy to our gas systems activity), preferably merged with EN/CV-DC section. Many discussions took place, on various levels. In the end, the merger was refused by EN management. A CERN wide Detector Cooling Project (~Working Group) was recently created, chaired by M. Battistin. DT is represented by P. Petagna. Current DT situation – not 100% clear -We contribute (modestly) to consolidation of CMS C 6 F 14 system (leak testing, rack assembly) -We are involved in a CO 2 cooling feasibility study for a future CMS pixel det. How to continue ? -We still think that detector cooling is of highest importance for upgrade -We still want to contribute to detector cooling: on-detector thermal aspects, piping, joining techniques; to a lesser extent but not excluded: cooling plant design/construction -We still see synergies with our gas systems and magnet controls activities

11 Detector cooling Near future plans -PhD project: Dynamic performance and process modeling for the future cooling systems (A. Moraux) -Recruitment of 2 engineers, directly related to detector cooling (incl. consolidation, operation of existing systems). -Look for projects and opportunities to gain expertise and apply our resources