WHY IS IT IMPORTANT THAT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ARE INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED IN THE POST-2012 GLOBAL CLIMATE AGREEMENTS The local and regional perspective of Spain: the model of Barcelona Provincial Council Joan Antoni Baron Deputy-President of the Environmental Area Barcelona Provincial Council (Catalunya, Spain) Barcelona, 4 November 2009
Barcelona Provincial Council is a 2nd level Local Government whose mission is to promote the progress and welfare of citizens, acting in the territory and in (technical and economic) cooperation with municipalities. Budget 2009: 719 M€
The role of local and regional governments Cities and towns are responsible, direct or indirectly, of more than 50% of GHG emissions from the use of energy related to human activities. Cities and towns are work spaces suitable to tackle climate change and to go towards sustainability with the support and help of citizens. The Covenant of Mayors is an ambitious response from the local governments in fields which are responsibility and competence of them. The model of Barcelona Provincial Council is an example on how to help to the implementation of 20/20/20 objectives.
The EU (through the DG TREN) raises an initiative to go beyond the sustainable energy targets set by the Heads of State and Government of the Union in the fight against climate change. The EU delegates its application to local governments because they are the most appropriate level of administration to establish effective policies since most of the emissions are diffuse. The initiative was presented in January 2008 in the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Week. It is called the Covenant of Mayors. The involvement of local governments
Up to date, more than 900 cities have signed the Covenant, including some of them from countries outside the European Union. Covenant of Mayors The Covenant of Mayors is a commitment by signatory towns and cities to go beyond the objectives of EU energy policy in terms of reduction of CO 2 emissions by 2020 through enhanced energy efficiency and cleaner energy production and use. “20/20/20”
HAS 3 WORK LINES The Environmental Area of Barcelona Provincial Council for the period Mitigation of Climate Change and Sustainability Local environmental management and evaluation Environmental awareness, education and disemination
The model of Barcelona Provincial Council regarding the Covenant of Mayors The Covenant of Mayors is an opportunity to go forward, with the involvement of local governments, in climate change mitigation. Most of the difusse emissions are produced by activities of clear municipal responsibility. Barcelona Provincial Council, according to its condition of supporting structure, has promoted the adhesion of municipalities in the province to the Covenant, being the responsible for financing and leading the elaboration of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) with a budget of 2 M€ for the period
Results of the process of adhesion in the province of Barcelona Up to date, 111 municipalities in the province have signed the Covenant of Mayors. These municipalities represent the 34% of all municipalities in the province, 84% of the population in the province and 4.5 millions of inhabitants. Around 69% are municipalities with less than 25,000 inhab., while 21% has more than 50,000 inhab.
In September 2009, half of the SEAP processes are finished or in the last phase of redaction. It includes the action plans of 39 municipalities from 300 to 200,000 inhabitants. 1.GHG emissions inventory 2.Diagnosis and Strategy 3.Action Plan 4.Participation Plan 5.Monitoring Plan 6.Communication Plan 7.Synthesis Suport to municipalities of the province in the elaboration of a SEAP
Proposed Action Plans The 44% of proposed actions are those that affect buildings and municipal facilities. Other important actions are related to lighting (9%), the domestic sector (9%), and transport and mobility (9%). Other significant areas are waste management, water cycle, urban planning, construction and maintenance, public procurement, citizen participation, communication activities, and environmental education. About 75% of these measures are responsibility of the City Council. Also highlights the 18% of the measures related to activities associated with mobility and actions that have a significant impact on the domestic sector.
A joint study EIB – BARCELONA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL proved that the investment potential in Barcelona province, just in public energy consumption, is: Renewable Energy Saving 3,000 M€ Investments are profitable and with a good return period Study of potential public demand
Agreement European Investment Bank (IEB) – Barcelona Provincial Council - PV: 3,000 jobs in installation and maintenance - EE: 2,000 jobs Creation of permanent jobs Social target - PV: 350 M€ - EE: 150 M€ Financing of projects by 500 M€ Economic target - Photovoltaic (PV): 87.5 MW in 1,500,000 m2 roof - Energy efficiency (EE): 200 MW To reduce GHG emissions by 200,000 tn CO2/year Environmental target
CONCLUSIONS 311 municipalities in the province of Barcelona 5.4 milion inhabitants Province of Barcelona = Supporting structure of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) Budget = 2 M€ for SEAPS (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) 111 municipalities have signed the CoM 4.5 milion inhabitants = 84% population = 34% municip. Agreement with the European Investment Bank (500 M€ credit) for photovoltaic (87.5 MW; 1,500,000 m2) and energy efficiency (200 MW) actions
Thank you for your attention! Barcelona Provincial Council Environmental Area Tel. (+34) diba.cat/mediambient