C C Employment Candidates Database
C Employment Candidates Database The C Construction Company Employment Candidates Database should have the following attributes: Generate criteria-specific letters Funnel information to two separate databases Rejection with Future Consideration Rejection Generate a report reflecting Position Date Name House candidate’s resume with the rejection letter Allow for unanticipated options
C Candidate Letter Options C Construction Company sends different types of letters to employment candidates: Acceptance Letter (omit this type) Rejection Letter Rejection with Future Consideration Letter Future Graduate Letter Rejection by Applicant Letter (omit this type)
C Welcome Screen Improvements to the Welcome Screen should include: Increased professionalism Exhibit company logo Reflect company persona
C General Information Improvements to the General Information Screen should include: Optional Title entry Default sender’s information Remove unused letter types
C Acceptance Letter Options Acceptance letters are generated individually. This letter should be removed from the database.
C Rejection Letter Options Improvements to the Rejection Letter Options should include: Delete salary option Add positions Change Place of meeting to Method resume submitted Other option with pop- up entry blank in all fields
C Rejection Letter Improvements to the Rejection Letter should include: Fit C letterhead Sender’s name and title only More professional
C Rejection With Future Consideration Options Improvements to the Rejection with Future Consideration Letter Options should include: Delete salary option Other option with pop- up entry blank in all fields
C Rejection with Future Consideration Letter Improvements to the Rejection with Future Consideration Letter should include: Fit C letterhead Sender’s name and title only More professional
C Future Graduate Letter Options Improvements to the Future Graduates Letter Options should include: Change Place of meeting to Method resume submitted
C Future Graduate Letter Improvements to the Future Graduate Letter should include: Fit C letterhead Sender’s name and title only More professional
C Rejection by Applicant Letter Options Rejection by Applicant letters are generated individually. This letter should be removed from the database.
C Finish Screen Improvements to the Finish Screen should include: Increased professionalism Exhibit company logo Reflect company persona