CSI II Jeopardy Tasks at a CSI The Process More Process Search Warrants Credi-bility FINAL
Tasks at a CSI 100 Prevents destruction of the evidence. What is the job of the first officer at the scene?
Tasks at a CSI 200 Determines what search pattern will be used at a crime scene. What is one job of the Crime Scene Investigator?
Tasks at a CSI 300 For whom the sketches are made. Who are the prosecutors, the jury, and folks involved in cold case files.
Tasks at a CSI 400 These are designed to tell a story to someone who wasn’t there. What are photographs?
Tasks at a CSI 500 These are collected first. What are fragile evidence, such as fingerprints, blood and trace evidence?
The Process 100 The only person who moves the body Who is the ME or coronor?
The Process 200 Protect the scene from looters, the press, bystanders, etc. What is the role of police officers?
The Process 300 A paper bag What are blood, bedding, and other materials containing organic matter sealed in?
The Process 400 Prevents stuff from under the fingernails from getting lost. What is covering the hands with paper bags?
The Process 500 The four ways of taking a photograph. What are without anything, with a number, with a ruler, and the bare space it was sitting on?
More of The Process 100 Firefighters and Paramedics Who often ruin crime scenes because of the urgency of their task?
More of The Process 200 Control samples What are taken to see if they test positive for the unknown?
More of The Process 300 Garbage cans, retracted seat belts, batteries, gun cartridges. What are some places criminalists could look for evidence that ciminals might overlook?
More of The Process 400 Exhibit #5, Evidence #26, Sample #89 What are different numbers that can be given to a single item of evidence?
More of The Process 500 To prevent the growth of mold. Why do we bag things in paper bags?
Search Warrants 100 Probable Cause What must you have to be issued a search warrant? OR What is less than beyond a reasonable doubt and more than a mere suspicion?
Search Warrants 200 A search warrant What is necessary before any evidence can be seized? OR What is the document that protects your rights?
DAILY DOUBLE – Search Warrants The Four Instruments in Search Warrants What are a complaint (or affidavit) the warrant (with judge’s signature) receipt for property taken inventory and return of property taken
Search Warrants 400 Affiant What do we call the person who is writing an affidavit?
Search Warrants 500 Reasonable man What is the criteria asking whether a reasonable person would come to this conclusion, given these facts?
Credibility 100 Police Officers, Detectives, MEs, Criminalists, attorneys. Chain of custody –OR- What are the different professionals that may make up a crime scene investigation team?
Credibility 200 “No blood was detected.” What is a better phrase than “No blood was present” ?
Credibility 300 The three parties present at a trial. What are the plaintiff, the defendant, and the tier of fact?
Credibility 400 An expert Witness can but others cannot What is the only kind of witness that can give their opinion?
Credibility 500 An expert witness What is a person who has knowledge not acquired by ordinary persons?
The order of events for the first officer at a crime scene. What is giving aid to injured, securing the crime scene, taking notes, and passing information to CSI Personnel FINAL JEOPARDY! Category: The Crime Scene