WHO ARE THEIR GOD/GODS/LEADERS Abraham said: There is only one god he creates everything The god has relationship with people on Earth God listens and speaks to people through prayers 3 main things in their life, God, Torah and Israel The leaders where men and women Chosen by god as prophets to learn and teach The 12 tribes were headed by princes Also had judges, kings & rabbis as leaders Rabbis has been religious leaders in orthodox Only men where allowed but with time women came too They must start praying at the age of 3
W HAT WAS THE H OLOCAUST ? Since 18 th century in Europe/USA Jews have suffered Less official persecution Anti-Semitism still exists Worst Anti-Semitism took place in the 20 th century In 1930 the Nazi gained control in Germany During the second world war Killed all Jews that lived in countries owned by Germany Killed 6 million Jews Hebrew= Shoah (holocaust) Means ‘whirlwind’ From the 19 th century Jews began to come back After the holocaust the United Nation voted that part of Palestine must become the State of Israel Which is now where most Jews live
W HAT DOES THIS RELIGION BELIEVE ? One god-creates everything Communicate with god through prayer Sacred text-Torah Torah- most important part of Jewish Bible All Jews – what they do more important than what they believe Some Jews- land of Israel most important part of being Jewish-called Zionists
(C ONTINUED ) 1 day God will send Messiah to earth – lead them/defeat enemies Messiah = special person Jewish Sabbath-day of worship (Sundown Fri.- Nightfall Sat.) Two texts- Hebrew Bible+ Talmud Torah=laws/history Talmud-guide to laws Jews live by
W HAT ARE THE MAJOR HOLIDAYS High Holy Days=H.H.D Jewish New Year- Rosh Hashana Rosh Hashana -First day of High Holy Days H.H.D. – put right what you do wrong Last Day of H.H.D- Yom Kippur Yom Kippur-fast from sunset to sunset Restrictions- Yom Kippur- no leather shoes+ no washing/bathing +no oils
(C ONTINUED ) Hanukkah 8 day celebration in Nov./Dec. Since 200 B.C.E Games- Driedel= Spinning Top Food cooked in oil- Jam Doughnut/ Latkes Light a candle on Menorah for 8 nights Menorah = special candle stand
Thank You! BY: KIANA YARZADEH Anson Law Justin Ho Shiv Parekh