XAVIER UNIVERSITY FINANCIAL PAPERWORK PROCESS Overview for Students (Yes, you can fill out your own forms with confidence and ease!) Joanie Weidner, SGA Resource Assistant
Many forms – what to use and when? Purchase Order: A promise of payment. Money is set aside in the Banner fund to pay the vendor. They are paid after the event is over or items are delivered. Vendor will be paid when Purchasing gets an invoice against the purchase order. Your role: Call the vendor, ask if they will take a P.O.’s. Tell them what you are ordering and get unit amount and final cost. Fill out Purchase Requisition. TAKE ORIGINAL TO FLYNN HALL (make a copy). List correct fund number and account number, and get your advisor’s signature. Account numbers are listed on the Budget Office website - forms/index.cfm Purchasing will place the order for you and send the vendor a copy of the purchase order, as well as send you the original. When the event is over or items are delivered, advisor signs the PO. Return it to purchasing. If an invoice from the company comes directly to you, be sure to give it to purchasing.
Request for Check: Used to pay vendors at time of event/service. An invoice is needed before check can be cut. Vendor invoice must be on business letterhead and include their name, address, phone, and all details on cost. WE DON’T PAY TAX. A W-9 is also needed if it’s a new vendor. If you aren’t sure if the vendor is already part of Xavier’s vendor database, call Accounts Payable to check: Connie 2068 or Jackie Your role: Fill out the Request for Check. It must include business name, address, date, requested department, department contact purpose, fund and account numbers, and amount. Check-off if you want it mailed or if you want to pick it up. Attach invoice. Get approval signature. MAKE A COPY OF REQUEST AND INVOICE. TAKE ORIGINAL TO CONTROLLERS – SCHMIDT HALL.
Request for Cash – must be typed : Used for miscellaneous items (not vendor specific. Can’t use for travel advance. Students are limited to $300 cash advance. Your role: Fill out the Student Cash Disbursement Form Enter your name, Banner ID, check-off “cash advance”, date, SGA fund name, your name, your home address, and phone/mail location (clubs mail location is 2128). You can get up to $300 in one day. Anything over $300 will need a check request from Controller’s office. Get approval signature. MAKE A COPY. TAKE ORIGINALTO BURSAR–ALTER HALL, ROOM 135.
Cash Receipt – must be typed: Used to deposit money left over from cash advances, money from ticket sales, fundraisers, etc. Your role: Cash Advance – Keep all receipts and attach to a copy of the Student Cash Disbursement form. Then fill out a cash receipt: received from, for, fund/account numbers that were noted on Cash Disbursement form and amount depositing. Enter description for the reason for the deposit. Leftover cash must be returned 1 day after receiving it if during the week, 3 days if over the weekend. Event sales, fundraisers, etc. -- Fill out a cash receipt: received from, for, fund/account number (use revenue account number: ), and amount. If you deposit checks, be sure to list the club fund number and account on them. Sign form. MAKE A COPY OF THE CASH RECEIPT AND THE REQUEST FOR CASH. TAKE TO BURSAR–ALTER HALL, ROOM 135.
Xavier Business & Travel Expense Report: Used to reimburse students for business meetings and travel AND any expenses over $300 (less than $300 can receive a cash reimbursement – Fill out Student Cash Disbursement Form and check-off “cash reimbursement ). Your role: Fill out your name and HOME address, not school address, your banner ID, mail location (2128) and your phone. Controllers office will call you when the check is ready. Attached your original receipts to the form. They will not reimburse you for tax. Enter club fund number and account number; make a copy. Tax exemption form can be obtained in SGA office, Gallagher 210. Get approval signature. TAKE ORIGINAL TO CONTROLLERS in SCHMIDT HALL.
Remember: Forms should be typed and can be found at: List of all university account numbers. Only use the expense list starting with the number 7. office/docs/account-code.pdf. Deposits go into account (other revenue). office/docs/account-code.pdf Don’t wait to the last minute. Finance forms MUST be taken to the controllers at least a week before an event. If there are problems you need time to resolve them. Be sure to get your advisor’s signature.