BLOCK STYLE LETTER A letter style in which all the text is aligned at the left margin. Be sure all margins are 1” All lines are left-aligned Spacing between inside address and salutation, salutation and body, between paragraphs, and body and complimentary close are all two (2) lines of space Spacing between date and inside address, and signature block are all four (4) lines of space
LETTERHEAD Paper which has the name of the person or company information it is from printed on the top Includes address and other contact information
DATE LINE The month, day, year the letter was written or will be mailed
INSIDE ADDRESS The address of the person you are writing to
SALUTATION Greeting used to begin a letter
MESSAGE ( What the communication is about (information or response) Body of Letter
COMPLIMENTARY CLOSE The closing farewell of a letter
SIGNATURE BLOCK The originator of the message handwritten signature Keyed a quadruple (four times) space below the complimentary close
YOUR NAME A clear identified of who wrote the letter Typed or Printed