Nu Xu1/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA STAR Experiment at RHIC: - Physics Programs - Management Issues Nu Xu
Nu Xu2/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA STAR Experiment STAR Experiment at RHIC ( ) Fundamental Science: particle physics, nuclear physics, the QCD phase structure (QCD condense matter), astrophysics, cosmology, … State of Art Technology: detector R&D, simulation, IT, computing, massive/fast data managing, … scientists - 55 institutes - 13 countries PhD thesis since 2000
Nu Xu3/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA STAR Physics Focus Polarized p+p program - Study proton intrinsic properties Forward program - Study low-x properties, initial condition, search for CGC - Study elastic and inelastic processes in pp2pp 1) At 200 GeV top energy - Study medium properties, EoS - pQCD in hot and dense medium 2) RHIC beam energy scan (BES) - Search for the QCD critical point - Chiral symmetry restoration
Nu Xu4/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA Quantum Chromodynamics 1) Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the established theory of strongly interacting matter. 2) Gluons hold quarks together forming hadrons: 3) Gluons and quarks, or partons, typically exist in a color singlet state: confinement. 4) Little is known about the QCD phase structure baryonmeson
Nu Xu5/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA QCD Phase Structure Gluon density Nucleon spin structure (a)(b) (c) (a) Small-x, large gluon density physics. Gluon saturation, origin of mass. (b) Hadron QGP transition. Partonic degrees of freedom, confinement. (c)Proton spin structure. Helicity degrees of freedom, collective excitation orbital motion.
Nu Xu6/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA Phase Diagram Phase diagram: A map shows that, at given degrees of freedom, how matter organize itself under external conditions. QED QCD
Nu Xu7/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA BNL PAC, , 2010 HFT 2013 TPC FGT 2011 STAR Detectors Fast and Full azimuthal particle identification EMC+EEMC+FMS (-1 ≤ ≤ 4) TOF DAQ1000 MTD 2013
Nu Xu8/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA Particle Identification at STAR STAR TPC STAR ToF STAR EMC STAR HFT Neutral particles and Muons e, μ π K p d TPC ToF TPC Log 10 (p) STAR MTD Multiple-fold correlations among the identified particles! Hyperons and Hyper-nuclei Jets Heavy-flavor hadrons
Nu Xu9/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA SSD IST PXL HFT Heavy Flavor Tracker (2014) FGT 1)Identify heavy flavor hadron directly 2)Precision measurement HF hadron energy loss and collectivity 1)Identify heavy flavor hadron directly 2)Precision measurement HF hadron energy loss and collectivity
Nu Xu10/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA HFT: Charm Hadron v 2 and R AA 200 GeV Au+Au m.b. collisions: - Charm hadron collectivity drag/diffusion constants - Medium properties! - Light quark thermalization! 200 GeV Au+Au m.b. collisions: - Charm hadron R AA - Energy loss mechanism! - QCD in dense medium! - Λ C measurements
Nu Xu11/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA STAR: Muon Telescope Detector Muon Telescope Detector (MTD) at STAR: 1)MRPC technology; ε μ ~ 45%; cover ~60% azimuthally and |y| < )TPC+TOF+MTD: μ/hadron enhancement factor ~ )For high p T μ-trigger, heavy quarkonia, light vector mesons, B J/ +X 4)China-India-STAR collaboration: reviewed by BNL TPCbeam pipeTOFEMCMTDmagnet
Nu Xu12/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA Forward GEM Tracker FGT HFT 1) FGT: RHIC CE project 2) Six light-weight triple-GEM disks 3) New mechanical support structure 4) Planned installation: Summer )Charge-sign discrimination at high-p T and forward rapidity 2)Design polarization performance of 70% to collect at least 300pb - 1
yr Timeline of QCD and Heavy Ion Facilities Spin STAR FGT BES RHIC-II STAR HFT eSTAR, EIC US LRP FAIR CBM sis300 LHC NICA Others RHIC Spin Heavy Ion R&D Future programs J-PARC (50 GeV p+A) JLab (12 GeV upgrade) Nu Xu, September 2009
Nu Xu14/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA STAR Experiment MRPC ToF Barrel ALICE Technology BBC PMD FPD FMSFMS EMC Barrel EMC End Cap DAQ1000 FGT COMPLETE Ongoing MTD R&D HFT TPC FHC HLT pp2pp’ triggercomputing
STAR: Strong QCD physics programs for the next decade and beyond: Spin Physics: (cold nucleon) GeV: Δg inclusive and di-jets, γ-jet GeV: sea quark helicity distributions - 200/500 GeV: transverse spin phenomena Low-x Physics: (cold nucleus) - Study gluon-rich phenomena at RHIC - Color glass condensate Heavy Ion Physics: (hot nuclear matter) - Thermalization at 200 GeV and in-medium properties - QCD phase boundary and critical point Future: - Further develop the forward rapidity region - Evolve the collaboration to eSTAR and EIC
Nu Xu16/16STAR Collaboration Meeting, Nov. 12 – 17, 2010, BNL, USA Management Issues (1)STAR Council decides policy. (2)The management execute the policy. (3)One collaboration, one standard.