Understand band condition information Use a propagation gadget PROPAGATION & GADGETS Understand band condition information Use a propagation gadget By: Dick Morgan K6RAH
Radio Signal Confusion? Yes! Like predicting the weather…only harder! Whole branch of science – complex & evolving Changing space weather conditions affect all hams Solar cycles Seasonal variations affecting frequencies differently Radio blackouts (X-Rays) Solar radiation storms (Proton flux) Geomagnetic storms (A & K-Index, solar wind, Bz) Solar flux & Sunspot number Electron flux (Electron flux) Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
What’s To Know? Solar activity tends to go in 10 to 11 year “cycles” Now well into Solar Cycle 24 Cycle 19 was an historic era for ham radio 1954-1964. Many factors affect electromagnetic radio waves Sun generates most factors via ultraviolet radiation The factors affect the ionospheric layers above Earth Some happen simultaneously – good & bad Solar flares, solar winds, X-rays, Coronal Mass Ejections, and sunspots MUF = Maximum Usable Frequency changes Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
The Ionosphere Outer part of Earth’s atmosphere Several layers High electron & ion content Constantly changing Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
What’s To Know? The Ionosphere 30 to 300+ miles above Earth Often described in four distinct layers D = closest to Earth 25-55 miles up (daylight hours only) E = 55-90 miles up (mostly daylight only) F1 = 90-150 miles up F2 = 250+ miles up Layers can absorb, reflect, or pass radio waves Ionospheric conditions affect frequencies differently Frequencies differ between day and night Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
Transmission Modes Line of sight (VHF & UHF) - Repeaters Ground Wave – Lower frequencies Refractions/Skip – Important for HF DX Special Effects –Scatter; Ducting; Sporadic E, Earth-Moon-Earth, etc. No signal in Tulsa? Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
Gadgets Provide a Summary HF Conditions by band VHF Conditions Detailed propagation readings Visual of the Sun – yes/no Sunspot Number Solar Flare Index Maximum usable frequency (MUF) Available on QRZ.com & K5RWK.org Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
SFI = Solar Flare Index Solar radiation @10.7cm (62.5 to 300 scale) Indicates “F layer” ionization level Higher number means more ionization = DX! High number increases the MUF Updated 3 times daily Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
SN = Sunspot Number Scale is 0 to 250. Calculated & updated once daily Loosely correlates to the solar flare index Higher sunspot numbers = usually better DX Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
A = Planetary A Index Scale is 0 to 400. Calculated & updated once daily Measures average geomagnetic activity Lower number = usually better DX (below 15) Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
K = Planetary K Index Scale is 0 to 9. Calculated & updated 8X daily Measures geomagnetic activity Lower number = usually better DX (below 5) Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
Hard X-Rays Scale is A0, B, C, M, & X9.9. Calculated & updated 8X daily Measures intensity X-Rays mostly impacting D Layer A & B levels = better propagation C levels up = higher signal absorption, poor conditions Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
304A = 304 Angstroms Scale is Zero to Unknown. Updated hourly Measures total radiation @ angstroms Makes up about half of all F Layer ionization Correlates loosely to the Solar Flare Index Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
Proton Flux Scale is Zero to Unknown. Updated hourly Measures density of charged protons in the solar wind Higher numbers mean greater impact on E Layer Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
Electron Flux Scale is Zero to Unknown. Updated hourly Measures density of charged electrons in solar wind. Higher numbers mean greater impact on E Layer Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
Aurora Scale is Zero to 10++. Updated hourly Measures strength of F Layer ionization in polar regions. Higher numbers mean greater aurora @ lower latitude Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
N = Normalization Scale is Zero to 5. Updated hourly Measures confidence in Aurora measurements. Lower numbers mean greater confidence Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
Bz = Bz Component Scale is +50 to -50. Updated hourly Measures strength and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field as impacted by solar activity. Positive = Same direction as Earth’s magnetic field Negative = Cancels Earth’s magnetic field. Increases impact of solar particles on ionosphere. Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.
Meaning for Us Hams? Elements sometime work together, other times oppose each other. One measure does not tell the story! Listening is key! The W0NBH Solar Gadget provides the facts, then interprets likely overall result on HF band conditions. MUF, magnetic field, and basic noise level also very helpful. Watch MUF increase as ionosphere becomes more & more active! Gadget is on the QRZ.com & K5RWK home page. Website is http://www.hamqsl.com/solar.html Copyright 2014. The Richardson Wireless Klub, Inc. and Richard Morgan K6RAH.