Chase George Landon
Closest planet to the sun sitting 36 million miles away. Smallest planet in solar system 1 year on Mercury is 88 Earth days long Surface Gravity is 38% of Earth’s surface gravity Density = 98% of Earth’s density Temperature ranges as high as 427 degrees Celsius to -173 degrees Celsius named for messenger of the roman gods. Most iron rich planet in solar system Heavily cratered like our moon 3,031 miles in diameter No moons Description
Sun appears close to 3 times as large in Mercury’s sky then in Earth’s sky 100 pounds on Earth is 37 pounds on Mercury Lack of atmosphere makes sky black and stars are seen during day Sun rays are 7 times stronger then on Earth 13 times a century, Mercury can be seen from the earth passing across the face of the sun called a transit. The next one will occur on May 9 th, 2016 Even though closest to the sun, Venus is still hotter It rotates on its axis exactly three times for every 2 revolutions it makes around the sun, therefore there is only three full days in two full years. Facts
Travels through space at 31 miles per second, faster than any other planet in our solar system In 2007, researchers used ground-based radars to study the core, and found evidence that it is partly molten. Mercury’s outer shell, comparable to Earth’s, is only about 250 miles thick More Facts
1631: Thomas Harriott and Galilei observed Mercury with newly invented telescope 1631: Pierre Gassendi uses telescope to watch from Earth as Mercury crosses the face of the sun 1965: Astronomers find that Mercury doesn’t always face only one side towards the sun : Mariner 10 photographs roughly half of Mercury’s surface 1992: Scientists using radar, find signs of ice locked in permanently shadowed areas of craters in Mercury’s polar regions : Messenger observes Mercury during three flybys and discovers even more of Mercury 2011: Messenger begins orbital mission at Mercury Significant Dates