P4ITS KICK-OFF MEETING Sébastien Mure Project coordinator
Presentation P4ITS ERTICO partnership Tour de table
Benef. NumberShort nameFirst nameFamily name 1ERTICO SébastienMure 2NDR LasseStender 2NDR SvendTofting 3ATE KatharinaZwick 3ATE BiancaKapl 4ASFINAG EvaHackl 7CTAG Jose ManuelMartinez 8FTA KariHiltunen 9VTT JukaLaitinen 10EARDA MelindaMátrai 11ITSB ImadFhail 12VERONA ArnaldoVecchietti 13TUDOR GéraldArnould 14ITS SWEDEN ChristerKarlsson 14STA IdaSundvakt 14STA AnnaHaraldsson 15LIGURIA JacopoRiccardi 15LIGURIA CristinaBattaglia 15LIGURIA SilviaRisso 16OHLC EmilioCacheiro 17TOPOS Jean-PhilippeMéchin
Objectives of the meeting Project objectives Start of the network Mutual learning and training WP Objectives Trigger the networking function Identify main specific points for discussion Agree on the planning for the first period Prepare framework for accession of new partners
Day 1 Agenda 12:00 – 13:00Arrival of the participants and lunch 13:00 – 17:30 (Break around 15:00) First network session Objectives: Welcome and presentation of all network participants Contractual and administrative aspects Presentation of legal aspects organised by meeting host Definition of PPI Agreement on network objectives Presentation by participants of expectations and objectives 17:30End then Network dinner
Day 2 Agenda 08:30 – 13:00 (break around 10:00) Second network session Objectives Establishment of detailed list of topics for network Agreement on new partners application process Agreement on 2014 work plan and dates of meetings ITS Helsinki Special Session 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch and departure
Contractual and administrative issues Contract finalised –GA, part A, part B (DoW) –All parties have accessed to Grant Agreement No consortium agreement Budget and payment of pre-financing Project work plan
Management of the network Project coordinator Management team Internal communication P4ITS Website Communication, press release
What is Public Procurement of Innovation?
Definition “PPI refers to procurement where contracting authorities act as a launching customer (early adopter) to purchase/deploy innovative goods or services that are newly arriving on the market and which are not yet available on a large-scale commercial basis. The aim of EU funding for PPIs is to speed up wide diffusion of innovative solutions by encouraging cooperation between procurers across Europe through cross-border coordinated (or joint) procurement to deploy the first batches of innovative solutions that are newly arriving on the European market.” Source:
Innovation partnerships in the new Public Procurement Directives Morten Kroon Attorney-at-law and partner with the law firm Kammeradvokaten, legal advisor to the Danish Government
Objectives of the network Review Confirmation with the updated context Opportunity to prepare cross-border PPI supported by the European Union Definition of key discussion topics
Review of partners inputs and discussion The main framework of your activity leading to your interest in PPI Your experience in public procurement of innovation solutions, and possibly the difficulties you see with those. Potential experience in PPI programme. Legal framework of PPI in your country
Day 2 Agenda 08:30 – 13:00 (break around 10:00) Second network session Objectives Establishment of detailed list of topics for network Agreement on new partners application process Agreement on 2014 work plan and dates of meetings ITS Helsinki Special Session 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch and departure
Key discussion topics Legal questions related to public procurement of innovative ITS Procurement issues for those innovative ITS as identified Wider integration of PPI in the context of other instruments at regional or national level Interoperability and certification Identification and mitigation strategies for risks related to –Technology lock-in –Interoperability –Compatibility with legacy systems –Backward compatibility –Technical maintenance
Criteria Relevance Complexity European added value Potential achievement
New partners application process Establishment of criteria: Public entity or road operator Interest and knowledge on PPI (to establish win – win approach) No additional budget available Should actively participate and contribute Should be agreed by the partners The network should remain at an “manageable” size
Potential applicants CHARM project (RWS- Highways Agency) SYNCRO project (Conseil Général de l’Isère)
Work plan Revision of work plan Next meeting: date, location, review of objectives Next WP: work plan and objectives Next meetings hosting
Dissemination Helsinki ITS European Congress Special Session on PPI