1 Production- All Food Grains & Wheat Source : CLR MP * Percentage Increase over previous year (25.11%)* (10.87%)* LAKH TONNES (14.50%) (8.06%) (11.6%) (21.88%) (3.99%) (38.82%) (57.62%) Base Year
2 Production of PULSES, RICE & COARSE CEREALS Source : CLR MP * Percentage Increase over previous year (41.17%)* (39.20%)* (90.91%) LAKH TONNES (38.80%) (18.47%) (2.05%) (11.46%) (-13.62%) (-4.15%) (30.15%) (20.04%) (21.63%) (17.25%) (-1.78%) Base Year
3 Productivity - Food Grains & Wheat Source : CLR MP * Percentage Increase over previous year (6.82%)* (17.26%)* Kg/ha (13.06%) (10.56%) (7.48%) (9.29%) (-3.48%) (0.10%) (37.42%) (33.62%) Base Year
4 Productivity- Pulses, Rice & Coarse Cereals Source : CLR MP * Percentage Increase over previous year (48.34%)* (49.26%)* (24.11%)* Kg/ha Base Year (31.80%) 1.96% (13.60%) (5.32%) (7.25%) (-0.87%) (-32.17%) (31.92%) (21.00%) (34.71%) (19.54%) (3.43%)
5 Strategy and Measures adopted along with Innovations A. Irrigation and Land Management: 1. Enhancement of Area under assured canal irrigation - Growth from 9.75 lakh ha in to lakh ha in It will go to lakh ha in Bringing fallow land under cultivation - Fallow Land lakh ha in reduced to 8.58 lakh ha in by campaign at all level. B. Agriculture extension and process innovation: About 5.22 Lakh ha of land brought under SRI method of rice cultivation conoweeders and markers provided on 90% subsidy.
6 Cont… C. Warehousing and Infrastructure: The state has taken warehousing programe in a big way whereas the total storage available in the state in was 79 LMT. It has increased to 98 LMT in the year It would increase to 115 LMT in The highest for any state in India. D. Credit and Management Interventions – 1. The interest rate in crops for Agriculture Loans reduced from 5% in to 1% in Crop Loan increased from Rs crores in to Rs crores in the year (77% in 2 year) Seed Growers Co-operatives formed for augmenting availability of certified seeds.
7 Cont… E.Electricity Supply: 1. Rs.7052 crores tariff subsidy given by State Govt. to State Electricity Companies for providing electricity at reduced rates to Agriculture Consumers etc. from to lakh temporary connections provided in the last 3 years to meet the demand during Rabi season. 3. Feeder separation in progress for providing quality and continuous supply of electricity for 10 hours for agricultural operations. Second largest in india. 4.The power to agriculture sector which was 6776 million unit in increased to 9478 million unit in (16.2%).
8 Cont… F. Extension and Technology: SRR in all major crops increased in Wheat 14.03% to 25.30%, Paddy 8.85% to 19.56%, Maize 10.94% to 53.08% Gram 2.90% to 12.86% as compared to base year Extension- Replacement of Traditional broadcasting system of sowing by Line Sowing in 11 lakh ha in Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand region by vigorous extension efforts. Timely agricultural advisories through Mobile SMS in Hindi highest in India (more than 47 Lakh) G. Policy Interventions: Krishi Cabinet constituted for ensuring better coordination among the Departments of Agriculture, Power, Irrigation, Cooperative. (Innovation)
9 Cont… Technology Extension- 1. To save kharif crop from heavy rains ridge-furrow method of sowing is encouraged and seed drills equipped with ridge- furrow attachments distributed. (Innovation) 2. About ha land deep ploughed under Haldhar Yojana during year (Rs crore) increased in to ha (Rs Crore). (Innovation) Extension and process innovations- 1. Promotion of hybrid paddy through SRI and composite nurseries under RKVY in the year covering 5.22 lakh ha. (Innovation) 2. Substantial increase in area and production of Hybrid Maize by providing 90% subsidy to the SC/ST farmers. Total expenditure Rs. 576 lakh and seed distributed 6748 qtls. in the year (Innovation)
10 Cont… 3. Under the seed quality improvement programme, 20,000 villages provided with Spiral graders and seed treating drums free of cost under RKVY. (Innovation) 4. Integrated technological extension to benefit 2.5 lakh farmers(5000 farmers per district) every year for the first time through joint mobilization of scientists from KVK & ATMA. It will also monitor the change in production and productivity after the season. (Innovation) Innovations villages have been developed as Yantradoot Gram (Fully Mechanized Villages), where farmers are encouraged to adopt mechanized farming. Phenomenal increase in all crop productivity. (Innovation)
11 Cont… 2. Private entrepreneurs are being encouraged under bank assisted custom hiring centers by providing subsidy up to Rs. 10 lakh for each center. 135 such centers have been established so far. New 250 applications are under consideration. (Innovation) Fertilizer Supply Management- Incentive for advance lifting of fertilizers - The state gave an incentive of Rs Crore to Markfed and PACS for advance storage in the year for advance stocking of fertilizers (20.54 Lakh MT). (Innovation) NFSM data on progress are being updated regularly on relevant web-site.
12 Amount is credit to Farmers Account ( Rs Crores) Purchase Center Farmer Farmer Registration (18.13 Lakh) Wheat Procurement (16.46 Lakh SMS) Procurement Center Slip with Registration Code is given to Farmer Advance SMS alert sent to Farmer intimating about the Date of Procurement Farmer goes to Procurement Center on Date (11.49 Lakh) Farmer Procurement Transaction Performed and Receipt is given to Farmer (76.61 Lakh MT) Bank Total Procurement done: Wheat LMT., Paddy LMT. eUparjan – Process Snapshot (2012)
15 Expenditure Incurred under Food Grain Development Schemes Rs in Crore SchemeFund AvailableExpenditure% Expenditure NFSM Paddy Wheat Pulses Add. Pulses Million ton pulse production A3P Total NFSM SUB SCHEME RKVY INSIMP Grand Total Source : Directorate of Agriculture, M.P., Bhopal
Coordination with allied departments The Krishi Cabinet reviewed the performance of each department in detail on regular basis. Agriculture Production Commissioner reviews the status of inputs and allied problems on every Friday. Director of Agriculture conducts Video conferencing every week with all Joint Directors and Dy. Directors. All collectors review progress of agriculture and allied departments in their districts on a weekly basis. 16
Future Road map for higher food grain production 1. Major shift toward SRI- 40% of Paddy area (7 lakh ha) proposed to be brought under SRI during next 2 years. 2.Conversion of fallow land- 3 lakh ha Rabi fallow area tobe converted to pulse cultivation. 3. Private sector participation- PPP in Pulse propagation (25000 ha) under way. 4. Expansion in Irrigated Area- Govt. is committed to increase the area under irrigation by 4.23 lakh ha. through canal irrigation projects by the year Credit Expansion- Increasing Crop Loans through Cooperative Banks from Rs crores to Rs crores in (about 16% growth) 17
Future Road map for higher food grain production and proposed innovative activities 6. Mega Custom hiring center covering 5000 acres/center under way. 7. State Innovation in Mustard and Wheat- Promotion of SWI in Wheat Crop & System of Root Intensification in Mustard Crop being propagated. 8. Summer Moong & Urad as third crop- 3 lakh ha command area proposed under Summer Moong & Urad as third crop. The area in the year was ha which has increased to in Access to Technology at village level- Assured Supply of minimum one Seed Treating Drum and one spiral grader to each village by % Kharif under Ridge and Furrow- Ensuring coverage of whole kharif area (other than rice) under ridge-furrow method of sowing by
19 DRIP IRRIGATION IN GRAM “AN INNOVATION” Farmer -Shri Santosh S/o ShrI Harinarayan Village-Chhoti, District- Harda Cell No Method - Raised Bed (120 cm.) Row- 90x90 cm, Plant-15x15 cm Cultivar- Dollar (Bold Seed) Seed rate - 20 Kg. /acre Sowing - Dibbling method Nutrient management through drip system (fertigation) Yield - 48 q/ha.
20 Shri Dilip Singh Gond Village-Kachhwar, Block- Pali, Dist.- Umaria (M.P.) Area acre Seed Rate g/acre Row to Row Distance - 90 cm Plant to Plant Distance - 90 cm Weed Control - Hand weeding with Kudal & Conoweeder(2-3) Production Qtl/acre. Traditional Qtl/acre. Cost of Cultivation - Rs /- Total Income - Rs /- Net Income - Rs /- Success Story – SRI in Mustard (System of Root Intensification in Mustard)
21 Shri Bahadur Singh Gond, Village-Kachhwar, Block- Karkeli, Dist.- Umaria (M.P.) Area acre Seed Rate - 10 Kg/acre Row to Row Distance - 20 cm Plant to Plant Distance - 20 cm Weed Control - Conoweeder(2-3) Production Qtl/acre. Traditional Qtl/acre. Cost of Cultivation - Rs /- Total Income - Rs /- Net Income - Rs /- Success Story – SWI (System of Root Intensification in Wheat)
22 Dist. Harda SUMMER MOONG