Ch 11 Driving on Expressways
11.1 Characteristics of Expressway Driving
Expressway Is a limited-access or controlled-access highway. controlled-access highway. controlled-access highway.
Types of Expressways Interstate highways Interstate highways Freeways Freeways ______ ______ Parkways Parkways * Most of these terms are used interchangeably
Why do they have fewer collisions? 1. Cross traffic is ______ 2. Have a ______ or ______ to prevent head-on collisions 3. Pedestrians, no motorized vehicles, & slow moving vehicles are ______ __________. 4. Wide shoulders and extra-wide underpasses for good ______ paths. 5. The are designed to help drivers ______ conditions well ahead.
Safe Driving Strategies & things to think about Collisions are usually ______ on expressways. Collisions are usually ______ on expressways. You should travel at about the same speed as others You should travel at about the same speed as others Too fast? Too fast? Too slow? Too slow? Always prepare for your trip! Always prepare for your trip! ______ – know route #, your entrance and exit # ______ – know route #, your entrance and exit # ______ – Plan stops for food, fuel, and rest ______ – Plan stops for food, fuel, and rest
Safe Driving Strategies & things to think about continued… Make every effort to stay ______ Make every effort to stay ______ Keep vehicle in ______ condition Keep vehicle in ______ condition Build ______ Build ______ Cooperate with other drivers Cooperate with other drivers ROAD RAGE!!! ROAD RAGE!!!
11.2 Entering an Expressway
3 parts of expressway entrances. 3 parts of expressway entrances. 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________
Entering an expressway 1. Make sure it is the proper ______________ 2. Signal “left” and check over your shoulder to find a gap in traffic. 3. Once in acceleration lane, gradually ______________ your speed while glancing over your “left’ shoulder. 4. In the merging area adjust speed to match the traffic flow & position your vehicle at a safe interval behind the car you plan to follow and merge smoothly. 5. When on expressway, ______________ your signal and adjust to the speed of traffic.
Entrance Ramp Problems Short entrance ramps, short acceleration lanes, and high dividing walls. Short entrance ramps, short acceleration lanes, and high dividing walls. If you choose the wrong entrance ramp ______ back up on to an entrance or exit ramp. If you choose the wrong entrance ramp ______ back up on to an entrance or exit ramp. Some ramps you are very close to the merge area before you can see the expressway (______ your speed) Some ramps you are very close to the merge area before you can see the expressway (______ your speed)
11.3 Strategies for Driving on Expressways
Lane Choice Right lane is for ______, ______ and ______ Right lane is for ______, ______ and ______ Left is for ______ Left is for ______ Avoid driving between 2 ______ vehicles Avoid driving between 2 ______ vehicles Trucks typically are ______ allowed to drive in the left lane Trucks typically are ______ allowed to drive in the left lane
Signs, Signals, & Roadway Markings Part of your lane choice is based on information from expressway signs, signals and roadway markings. Part of your lane choice is based on information from expressway signs, signals and roadway markings. Some have express lanes that have few entrances and exits to ease the flow of traffic Some have express lanes that have few entrances and exits to ease the flow of traffic Go to page 231 Go to page 231
Wolf Pack Group of vehicles ______ ______ in a ______ on an expressway Group of vehicles ______ ______ in a ______ on an expressway Responsible drivers try to avoid them thus reducing their chances of conflicts. Responsible drivers try to avoid them thus reducing their chances of conflicts. Adjust speed to avoid these “wolf packs” Adjust speed to avoid these “wolf packs”
Following High speeds of expressway traffic demand that you maintain at least a ______ second following distance High speeds of expressway traffic demand that you maintain at least a ______ second following distance Increase to ______ or more seconds if: Increase to ______ or more seconds if: –Following a large vehicle that is blocking your sight –Following a motorcyclist –Bad weather –Being tailgated –Driving a heavy vehicles
Blind Spots Don’t forget about them! Don’t forget about them! Try to ______________ of other vehicles blind spots! Try to ______________ of other vehicles blind spots!
Lane Changing Avoid changing lanes too ______ Avoid changing lanes too ______ Unnecessary weaving from one lane to another can lead to a ______ Unnecessary weaving from one lane to another can lead to a ______
Passing and Being Passed Is usually ______________ on expressways then on a 2-lane road. Is usually ______________ on expressways then on a 2-lane road. If you are continually being passed on the right, move to the lane on your right when it is safe to do so. If you are continually being passed on the right, move to the lane on your right when it is safe to do so.
11.4 Exiting Expressways
Deceleration Lane Is an added lane in which to slow your vehicle without blocking the vehicles behind. Is an added lane in which to slow your vehicle without blocking the vehicles behind. Try not to ______________ until you are off the expressway and in the deceleration lane Try not to ______________ until you are off the expressway and in the deceleration lane
Exit Ramp Is the ramp ______________ off an expressway. Is the ramp ______________ off an expressway. Make sure you identify the ramp speed. Make sure you identify the ramp speed. Many lead to very sharp curves. Many lead to very sharp curves. * If you miss your exit go to the ______________ and turn around. ______________ back up!!!
Steps for Exiting 1. At least ____ mile before the exit start moving into the lane in which you will be exiting from. Change ____ lane at a time!!! 2. Move into the deceleration lane 3. Slow down gradually 4. Identify ramp speed sign, and adjust to the posted speed limit.
Exiting Problems Someone may decide to get off last minutes and cut you off! Someone may decide to get off last minutes and cut you off! Ramp over flow Ramp over flow –What to do? Short deceleration lane – ______________ ______________ Short deceleration lane – ______________ ______________
11.5 Special Expressway Problems
________ ________ Drowsy or trancelike conditions caused by concentration on the roadway ahead and monotony of driving
Fall-Asleep Collisions More than ______________ collisions in the United States each yeah are cause by sleepiness. More than ______________ collisions in the United States each yeah are cause by sleepiness. Fall-asleep collisions are _______ as likely to involve fatalities as other types of collisions Fall-asleep collisions are _______ as likely to involve fatalities as other types of collisions
Expressways Through Cities Have ______ exit and entrances ramps than rural expressways. Have ______ exit and entrances ramps than rural expressways. More ramps ________ merging traffic conflicts More ramps ________ merging traffic conflicts Know in advance where you want to exit Know in advance where you want to exit
Tollbooths Are located along many expressways. Are located along many expressways. You stop at a tollbooth and pay a fee, or toll, for driving on that expressway. You stop at a tollbooth and pay a fee, or toll, for driving on that expressway. ______________– warn you of the tollbooths ahead and remind you to check your speed ______________– warn you of the tollbooths ahead and remind you to check your speed When approaching look for signs ahead warning you which ones are token, cash, EZ Pass, open, and or closed. When approaching look for signs ahead warning you which ones are token, cash, EZ Pass, open, and or closed.
Types of Tollbooths Automatic Automatic Operated by an attendant Operated by an attendant Electronically Electronically
Controlled-Access Highway Is a highway that vehicles can enter and exit only at interchanges.
Entrance Ramp Gives you time to evaluate zone conditions and determine the best speed as you prepare to enter the expressway
Acceleration lane Is usually long enough for you to search for a gap in which to search for a gap in which to merge and accelerate to merge and accelerate to the speed of traffic.
Merging Area Is the 3 rd part of an expressway entrance where vehicles blend into the expressway traffic.