OR How to Succeed on your Science Test! The Night Before Testing Get AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep! Count backward from when you need to wake up to get ENOUGH.


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Presentation transcript:

OR How to Succeed on your Science Test!

The Night Before Testing Get AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep! Count backward from when you need to wake up to get ENOUGH sleep. Put a few #2 pencils with erasers in your binder.

The Morning of Testing Eat a healthy breakfast X Not just Carbs - sugary breakfast cereal or donut = sugar high, then big CRASH  Sleepy  Carb & Protein Dynamic Duo provides short & long-term energy; prevents a drop in blood sugar for several hours  Focused

The Morning of Testing Think Positive!Think Positive! Remind yourself of all the work you’ve done.Remind yourself of all the work you’ve done. Your brain will help you remember.Your brain will help you remember. If you get nervous during testing, take 3 deep breaths to relax yourself.If you get nervous during testing, take 3 deep breaths to relax yourself.

Read the question carefully Underline what the question is asking Look carefully at pictures, tables, labels Eliminate (X) the wrong answers & Explain your thinking Select the correct answer Use Science RULES

Pace Yourself Answer the easiest questions first (This will fire up your dendrites!) Circle the hard ones, and go back to them later Use your completed questions to find context clues for the harder questions Trust your first instinct. It is usually correct!

Cover Up Answer Choices Use an index card to cover the answer choices and THINK! Let your brain use your memory. Read the graph/table and question then construct your response to the side. Next, look at the answer choices. Find what you wrote!

Use Process of Elimination If you are stumped, try this: In the answer choices, if ONE WORD makes the answer wrong, X it out. Go through all the choices this way. What choice is left?

Skip, Return, Check If you finish early: Check scantron and booklet ‘line by line’ for skips Make sure that you completed every question

Be Persistent! Never, ever give up! Keep working and follow these strategies for your best effort! We BELIEVE in you – so BELIEVE in YOURSELF!