TOPC Meeting, Birmensdorf, March 2015 Global Terrestrial Network for Glacier: Monitoring of an ECV in a research-based environment Michael Zemp Director WGMS, PD Dr. sc. nat. World Glacier Monitoring Service Department of Geography, University of Zurich Switzerland
121 years of internationally coordinated glacier monitoring GTN-G is today’s organisational framework for the glacier data centers and services Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G): compilation and dissemination of standardized data about glacier distribution and changes
¦ ¦ ¦ GTN-G
MONITORING SCIENCE modelling remote sensing in-situ observations Current glacier research paradigm Too much focused on innovation driven science. Lack of funding for long-term monitoring. Limited scientific reproducibility due to non-availability of basic data. Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
Science vs. monitoring: Alpine glacier mass balance Glacier mass balance: obs series + 5,000 observations + 13 years avg obs length + 40 series > 30 years Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
Monitoring of an ECV in a research-based environment How to implement a research-based monitoring system? Get World Data Centers/Services in charge Set up a collaboration network of observers Set up sustainable funding for monitoring How to motivate scientists to share their observations? Provide easy data access for different audiences Increase the visibility of their work Provide consulting service for data users How to close the gaps in the global data coverage? Capacity building and twinning Data mining Remotes sensing Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
How to implement a research-based monitoring system? Get World Data Centers/Services in charge Set up a collaboration network of observers Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
How to implement a research-based monitoring system? Get World Data Centers/Services in charge Set up a collaboration network of observers Set up sustainable funding for monitoring Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
Global Glacier Browser How to motivate scientists to share their observations? Provide easy data access for different audiences Increase the visibility of their work Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
When using these data, please cite as WGMS (2012, and earlier issues) and/or the original investigators and sponsoring agencies according to the available meta-information: WGMS (2012): Fluctuations of Glaciers (Vol. X): Zemp, M., Frey, H., Gärtner-Roer, I., Nussbaumer, S.U., Hoelzle, M., Paul, F. & W. Haeberli (eds.), ICSU (WDS)/ IUGG (IACS)/ UNEP/ UNESCO/ WMO, World Glacier Monitoring Service, Zurich, Switzerland. Based on database version doi: /wgms-fog How to motivate scientists to share their observations? Provide easy data access for different audiences Increase the visibility of their work Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G): CITATION instead of acknowledgement
How to motivate scientists to share their observations? Provide easy data access for different audiences Increase the visibility of their work Provide consulting service for data users Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
Lewis Glacier, Mount Kenya, photo by Simon Norfolk 2014 vs 1934 Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
How to close the gaps in the global data coverage? Capacity building and twinning Data mining Remotes sensing Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
How to close the gaps in the global data coverage? Capacity building and twinning Data mining Remotes sensing Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
Monitoring of an ECV in a research-based environment How to implement a research-based monitoring system? Get World Data Centers/Services in charge Set up a collaboration network of observers Set up sustainable funding for monitoring How to motivate scientists to share their observations? Provide easy data access for different audiences Increase the visibility of their work Provide consulting service for data users How to close the gaps in the global data coverage? Capacity building and twinning Data mining Remotes sensing Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
Monitoring of an ECV in a research-based environment How to implement a research-based monitoring system? Get World Data Centers/Services in charge Set up a collaboration network of observers Set up sustainable funding for monitoring How to motivate scientists to share their observations? Provide easy data access for different audiences Increase the visibility of their work Provide consulting service for data users How to close the gaps in the global data coverage? Capacity building and twinning Data mining Remotes sensing Suggestion for TOPC tasks: (A)for each ECV, find (individual or groups of) world data centers/services that take the lead for compiling and disseminating corresponding observations in standardized formats. (=> discussion about Terms of Reference for TOPC) (B) foster/push/enforce the correct citation and use of digital object identifiers for datasets (in general and specifically related to ECVs) (=> e.g., official letter to national science foundations and international journals) Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
Evaluation of GTN-G in 2014 through GTN-G Advisory Board, under the lead of the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences C. Rolstad Denby, L.M. Andreassen, A. Arendt, G. Cogley, V. Ryabinin (evaluation is a WDS-requirement) Evaluation of GTN-G and its operational bodies (WGMS, GLIMS, NSIDC) concerning the monitoring of glaciers and ice caps: WGMS Klausur, 13 February 2014 self-evaluation report (Q2) site visite (9-11 June 2014, Boulder) final evaluation report (Q4) Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):
Evaluation of GTN-G in 2014 – outcome relevant to WGMS activities “The WGMS staff does an admirable job with data compilation, outreach, training activities as well as scientific production.” => (CATCOS, SMD4GC, MoU IRD/CRNS) “We do see strong potential for WGMS to act as a distributor of high level data derived from remote sensing products, for example glacier-wide mass balances determined from laser altimetry.” => Strengthen the remote sensing competence at WGMS (Glaciers_cci Option 5) => GLIMS/RGI issue to be solved at NSIDC and with NASA proposal “The Advisory Board supports the idea of merging the two products as a biennial Fluctuations of Glaciers, which will free resources and offer the public a more timely product.” => Global Glacier Change Bulletin (GGCB) series “the GTN-G web portal should be an early focus for improvements in publication of, and access to, services that are already provided.” => WGMS MetaData Browser update postponed to 2015, priority on finalization of GTN-G Global Glacier Browser Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G):