Citation Practice
Citations Citation for a Book: Format: Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title of Book. City of publication: Publisher, Publication year. Print. Example:McNulty, Anna. A+: How Teaching Made Me Rich and Famous. St. Louis: McMiller Publishing, Print. Citation for a Magazine Article: Format:Author’s last name, Author’s first name. “Title of Article.” Journal Title. Volume. Issue (Year): page numbers. Database. Print. Access date. Example:Kluger, Jeffrey. “Why We Love.” Time. 28 Jan. 2008: Print. Citation for a Website: Format:Author’s last name, author’s first name. Web Site. Editor. Site Publisher or N.p., Date of publication or n.d. Web. Date of access.. Example:Sutton, Bettye, et al. “ ” 19 th Century Cultural History. Lone Star College-Kingwood Library, Web. 28 July 2007.
Guided Practice Instructions: The parts of the following source citations are mixed up, out of order, and have been put together incorrectly. Rewrite them correctly. Book:Haunted. Doubleday Publishers Chuck Palahniuk. New York. Web. Answer: Palahniuk, Chuck. Haunted. New York: Doubleday Publishers Web. Magazine: “How to Go to College – Free!” October 6, Hannah Arendt. US News and World Report. Print. Answer: Arendt, Hannah. “How to Go to College—Free!” US News and World Report. 06 Oct. 2002: Print. Website: No Author. “Calico Cat” Online. Answer: This is a trick question. YOU CANNOT CITE FROM WIKIPEDIA!