Common PSMFC “data use agreement or policy” Overview of current data sharing in PTAGIS, RMIS, StreamNet
Current Status Each project has its own approach. StreamNet Main database and its query systems Data Store RMIS PTAGIS
Current Status StreamNet Main database and its query systems No restrictions in use mentioned. It has always been assumed that only public-domain data are provided. We have a “Citing StreamNet” page that is not integrated with the query systems. It is a best practices “how to” cite Internet resources. It is not prescriptive. Data Store Data set submitters can fill an element in the metadata for “Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set.” Data set submitters can thus specify anything they like. Attempts to refine this by Bruce Schmidt and then Chris Wheaton. (More later.)
Current Status RMIS No restrictions in use mentioned. It has always been assumed that only public-domain data are provided. Data made freely available day after submittal. Data availability dictated by Pacific Salmon Treaty 1985, 1999, 2009, which states U.S. and Canada will: make “... arrangements for exchange of available data on the stocks...”. “... exchange fisheries statistics and any other relevant information on a current and regular basis...”
Current Status PTAGIS Has formal “Data Use Policy” that was prescribed by the PTAGIS Steering Committee. Link to it is on every web page.
PTAGIS – Data submitters 1.Data contributors recognize and accept that data submitted to PTAGIS are immediately available to anyone who is a registered PTAGIS user. 2.Data contributors should ensure data accuracy to the extent possible prior to submittal. Corrections, if necessary, should be made in a timely manner. 3.All tagging data submitted to PTAGIS are associated with a Tag Data Coordinator (i.e., the person responsible for the data), and all interrogation data are associated with a Site Data Steward. As the Tag Data Coordinator or Site Data Steward, your contact information will be available to data users so you can be contacted regarding your data. 4.All tagging data in the PTAGIS database are assumed to be preliminary until and unless the appropriate Tag Data Coordinator verifies the integrity and application of those data.
PTAGIS – Data users 1.The Data User is expected to contact the appropriate Tag Data Coordinator(s) prior to significant use of data from any release group in any publication or presentation for other than internal distribution. This includes both peer-reviewed and non-reviewed documents. Data users will contact the Tag Data Coordinators in order to: a)Obtain verification and context for data. b)Secure appropriate permissions prior to submission for publication. c)Arrange appropriate acknowledgements, citations and/or authorships.
Draft Data Sharing Agreement and Data Use Policy for the StreamNet Data Store Third DRAFT Background The StreamNet Data Store is a repository for various fish and related data sets collected in the Columbia Basin (and elsewhere) that are not appropriate for inclusion in existing regional or national scale data sets such as StreamNet's main database, the Fish Passage Center, PTAGIS, and EPA's Water Quality Exchange. The Data Store is a viable secure repository for projects that may not have other agency-specific alternatives, and is specifically designed to make data available for sharing. Managers who wish to use the Data Store as a repository should review this draft “Data Sharing Agreement and Data Use Policy” (Agreement) and provide comments if they wish. This Agreement is intended for use with data sets that have passed the provider’s QA and are to be made available to others through a means such as the StreamNet Data Store. Note: there is also a provision for keeping data in draft (not publicly available) form in the Data Store for a limited time. StreamNet Data Store Data Sharing Agreement for those that submit data: Providers should ensure that appropriate metadata, including protocols and citations to individual agencies or tribes, biologists, databases, and reports, are provided when they enter data into the Data Store. Appropriate metadata will help to assure that contributors are properly acknowledged and referenced by data users. Data submitted should be identified with the appropriate metric category selected from the list on monitoring; So that it can be catalogued properly in the Data Store. Data in the store will be searchable by these subcategories. 1.Data contributors recognize and accept that data submitted to the StreamNet Data Store, once published, are immediately available to anyone who acknowledges the Store’s data use policy. 2.Data contributors should ensure data accuracy to the extent possible prior to submittal. Corrections, if necessary, should be made in a timely manner. 3.All data submitted to the StreamNet Data Store should be accompanied by appropriate metadata, including contact and citation information. As the data contributor, your contact information will be available to data users so you can be contacted regarding your data. Data providers are asked to respond to data publication requests within 90 days. 4.Data in the StreamNet Data Store are assumed to be publicly available (i.e. published”) unless designated as draft on submission. Draft data will not be shared with the public immediately, but will be “published” (i.e. made public) upon notification to StreamNet by the data provider, or one calendar year from the original date of submission, whichever comes first. StreamNet Data Store Data Use Policy for those that use data: The Data User is expected to contact the listed data contributor prior to significant use of data in any publication or presentation. This includes both peer-reviewed and non-reviewed documents. Data users should contact the data contributors in order to: 1.Obtain verification and context for data. 2.Secure appropriate permissions prior to submission for publication. 3.Arrange appropriate acknowledgements, citations and/or authorships. Data Users acknowledge the following; (clicking “yes” gives access to the site) Access, sharing, and use of these data sets is provided with the following understanding. Users should; 1.Acknowledge that data in the StreamNet Data Store may be updated at any time if revised information becomes available. 2.Understand that corrections to data may at times be necessary. Data contributors will strive to make corrections in a timely manner, but are under no obligation to do so. 3.Data contributors, StreamNet, PSMFC, and BPA accept no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of data or for the uses and/or interpretations to which data may be put. 4.Data contributors may have included links to metadata and associated publications that may discuss the limitations and proper use of the data. It is your responsibility to understand and comply with these restrictions if you use data. 5.Data users should be careful to properly credit individuals and agencies when using data, and should follow reputable standards for the use and interpretation of scientific information. 6.Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of the data for their purposes. 7.Before publication; The Data User is expected to contact the appropriate Data Contributor and to maintain a record of contact via and, if necessary, phone prior to significant use of data in any publication in order to: a.Obtain verification, data use limitations and context for data through metadata records. b.Secure appropriate permissions prior to submission for publication by sending requests to data owners and cc’ing the data publishers or peer review team. c.Arrange appropriate acknowledgements, citations and/or authorships. 8.Failure to comply with these expectations may result in restrictions on data sharing in future. Please help to retain open access to data with your cooperation. Upon clicking this acknowledgement, data users will be allowed free access to the published data in the Data Store. Please note that StreamNet will try to design and maintain access to the data for only those that acknowledge, cannot accept any liability or any enforcement function. Any requirements imposed for data sharing by an agency or funding entity are not the purview of StreamNet. Draft SN Data Store User Agreement
Various points PSMFC has no enforcement authority if a data use agreement is ignored. Various projects have different authorities under which they operate. RMIS = BPA a little, international treaty mostly. PTAGIS and StreamNet = BPA SN Data Store data sets not necessarily from BPA projects. RMIS cannot legally restrict their data.
Should the status quo change? Discussion points: Why? What’s the purpose of such a proposal? Who wants it? Is there a problem big enough to bother addressing? What would be the scope of a common approach? SN Data Store; SN database; PTAGIS. RMIS not possible. Is the SN Data Store the only one of interest? If there is no enforcement ability, then what actually changes? What would a new agreement look like?