FAMILY TREE – PART 1(15 POINTS) Students should prepare a prezi or powerpoint that includes the following information. Step 1: Brainstorm about what family members you would like to interview. Step 2: Come up with questions for the interviews. Questions for interview should also include family tradition questions. Questions should be of a general sort, non- invasive, but inquiring about ancestry, childhood memories, and family traditions. Students can work together on the list of questions to be asked. Include evidence
FAMILY TREE – PART 2 ( 15 POINTS) Using a web-based program, or family records, research ancestors you should try to go back four-generations. 1. you & sibling, 2. parents 3. grandparents 4. great grandparents. Look for/Include: birth dates, death dates and places of birth. This can be accomplished by finding an ancestor who is listed on and also by interviewing parents, etc. You will need to have a list of ancestors to search and find on the various genealogy websites. A Google search of an ancestor’s name can also bring up a listing of ancestors. Include evidence
FAMILY TREE – PART 3 (15 POINTS) Interview. Prepare for interview by setting up an appointment to visit with the ancestor about questions that they have, inquiring about family member’s life history, including health history, and information that they can remember hearing about from their ancestors. You should be writing, recording, and also conclude the interview with a picture session with ancestor(s.) Include evidence of above.
FAMILY TREE – PART 4 (28 POINTS) Prepare a family tree. This tree should include at least four generations with you being the most recent. Include birth dates, death dates and places of birth on the tree. Information for the tree should be gained from interviews from family members and web-based research.
FAMILY TREE – PART 5 (60 POINTS) 1. After interview has concluded, you should write a half page typed paper on how your ancestor has influenced your lifestyle, behaviors, and traditions, how you will one day incorporate those into your own family and how this project has helped to discover “Why I Am Who I Am.” 2. Prepare essays on Three family stories.(3 essays- half to full page on each) These stories should show the unique importance of your family. The stories should be from different generations(1 from each) but can be from people who are not included on their tree. Each story should contain a reference of where the information was gained.
FAMILY TREE- PART 6() Oral Presentation ??