WWE Florida, 2011 Prevention Ages 13+ By Ashley Koe Saturday, 2:15p-3:30p
Prevention Everyone’s job to partake in prevention Prevention and education are not the same thing Stat: Females ages are more vulnerable to intimate partner violence than any other age group – at a rate almost triple the national average. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Special Report: Intimate Partner Violence and Age of Victim, (Oct.2001, rev. 1/28/01).
Socio-Ecological Model of Community Accountability Individual Interpersonal Institutional Community Societal
Individual If trapped in an abusive relationship, 73% of teens said they would turn to a friend for help; but only 33% who have been in or known about an abusive relationship said that they have told anyone about it. (Liz Claiborne Inc. study on teen dating abuse conducted by Teenage Research Unlimited. February 2008.) Individual
Individual Activities for Students Get them involved, share their story & experiences, we learn from them, open ended questions, interactive Share briefly about activities Visual, interactive (allow them to practice what they’ve learned) Incentives (school rewards system?) Local DV agency provide presentations? Individual
Interpersonal Trainings for Staff & Parents A majority of parents (54%) admit they’ve not spoken to their child about dating violence. Empower Program, sponsored by Liz Claiborne Inc. and conducted by Knowledge Networks, Social Control, Verbal Abuse, and Violence Among Teenagers, (2000). Though 82% of parents feel confident that they could recognize the signs if their child was experiencing dating abuse, a majority of parents (58%) could not correctly identify all the warning signs of abuse. (Liz Claiborne, Inc. & Family Violence Prevention Fund, Teen Dating Abuse Key Topline Findings, 2009.) Support - Information & Resources Can contact local/national agency as well, most serve secondary people Interpersonal
Institutional School have TDV education? Health class? School Club? School have TDV Policy? School Culture - Language Attitudes, Beliefs Actions Institutional
Institutional School wide campaign Awareness Months Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (Feb) Packet of info from TX how to integrate TDVAM info into each class (Math, History, etc.) Bullying Prevention & Awareness Month (October) Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Month (April) Red Flags Bathroom posters (with info) Institutional
Community Deaf Community (DHH, kodas/codas, Interpreters, Parents of DHH, etc.) Education Involvement Deaf Ed Community (Admin, Ed. Interpreters, Para’s, bus drivers & other secondary personnel, etc.) Education (Workshops) Policies & Procedures Churches/Spirituality groups Youth Groups (scouts, etc.) Sports Other organizations Community
Societal Laws and Policies TDV Laws (breakthecycle.org) Cultural attitudes Victim blaming vs. PRAN accountability Media Societal
Activity Hand out activity Priorities Activity Place the papers in order of which you want to happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. when starting a romantic relationship What are your priorities? Are they the same? How do you know? *Activity adapted from Planned Parenthood of Southeast Pennsylvania’s Deaf Program Teen Curriculum
Resources Sexuality Education Planned Parenthood of Southeast PA CA/N O.U.R. CA/N Wiki Website KidPower - Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault National DV Hotline - Deaf Advocates Justice for Deaf Victims National Coalition (JDVNC) Teen Dating Violence Love Is Respect - National TDV Hotline - Break The Cycle - Can I Kiss You? The Date Safe Project - or National DV Hotline – Deaf Advocates AIM: ADWASHotline TTY: VP: Deaf Advocates from 9 to 5, M—F (PST)