ENGL 3100
Selecting effective report topics Using worksheets and discussion to plan projects Developing and proposing project plans
Part 1: Proposal plan and propose project to instructor Part 2: First draft of report conduct research and interpret findings develop and design visual and textual content Part 3: Revise and add formal elements revise draft (style, cohesion, and usage) for situation and audiences develop front and back matter
Students must identify a real client* who has a problem, need, or opportunity has decision-making authority is available to meet face to face (at least twice) *Describe this in your discussion post
An investigative focus on determining whether a solution is feasible. Investigates whether X is a feasible solution to the client’s problem. Makes a recommendation to implement or not implement X. Investigates whether Y or Z is a more feasible solution to the client’s problem. Makes a recommendation to implement Y, Z, or neither.
An investigative focus on understanding a problem and identifying a plan of action for solving it. Investigates why X occurred (or is occurring). Recommends a plan of action for resolving X.
An investigative focus on convincing a client to implement a particular solution to solve a problem (or realize an opportunity). Proposes that the client authorize the writer to implement solution X, which will solve the client’s problem. Proposes that the client consider an alternate method, procedure, or product for meeting an existing need.
Suggested Topics
Purpose: to help students create a realistic plan for researching and developing their report test the suitability of the topic create a framework or research plan that will guide their investigative efforts their interpretive acts *Use this form to guide your post (DO NOT attach it in the discussion forum)
Worksheet*: Problem and Solution Analysis Analyzing problem Identifying goals and criteria for effective solutions Forecasting possible solution *Linked on the “Assignments” page.
Problem Analysis Problem statement Workplace context Systems context Negative consequences Potential causes Remedies in progress
Criteria for Effective Solution(s) Goals solution(s) should achieve Criteria for evaluating solution(s) Conditions constraining solution(s)
Solution Analysis How the solution solves the problem Negative consequences eliminated Positive consequences added How the solution compares to other solutions (possibly, how the solution compares to doing nothing)
Begin with a problem statement EX: Binder and CashNow law firm still uses a paper filing system for its documents. Present a brief discussion of this problem’s consequences EX: This paper filing system requires a team of interns to search through boxes to recover files of pending or old(er) cases. Furthermore, the firm must rent out a storage space, so not all documents are on site, causing travel issues and lost research time.
Current Problems Without researching and updating Binder and CashNow ’s document retrieval system, more man hours will be lost, documents remain at risk of damage (water, fire, misfiling), and other bad things may happen* Potential Solutions Digitize all documents to PDF format (use the interns) Hire a firm to digitize/scan the documents and use a professional, virtual, secure site Some other brilliant idea that I have not research yet* * Obviously, you would not include silly elements in your post.
Client’s Criteria What limitations would Binder and CashNow have? Time? Money? Labor? Security? Sell Your Idea By finding a solution to Binder and CashNow’s out-of- date document retrieval system, we will make the law firm for efficient and allow it to go on bilking injured clients out of 40% of their settlement.* *Again, you would not include something like this in your post.