2010 Missionary Prayer Guide July 4, 2010 Today's Specific Prayer Requests for Ron and Jamie: 1. For the Cooperative Program gifts from Oklahoma churches to remain strong. 2. For God’s people to give God the first fruits of their income. 3. For services to Oklahoma Baptists to be increased through the Web. 4. For the seeds of evangelism to be fruitful. 5. For the joy of serving Jesus to remain evident.
2010 Missionary Prayer Guide July 11, 2010 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Antonio and Josefina: 1. For more church planters. 2. For primary, sponsor and cluster churches. 3. For wisdom in strategizing and prioritizing places to start new churches. 4. For safety in travel. 5. For their family to remain healthy and strong.
2010 Missionary Prayer Guide July 18, 2010 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Ken and Fran: 1. For boldness to share Christ in new areas and all stops along the way. 2. For Campers of Mission members to enjoy good health and strength to be the most effective in the tasks they perform. 3. For safety in travel and on the jobs they carry out. 4. For wisdom in leading this vital missions group.
2010 Missionary Prayer Guide July 25, 2010 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Steve and Cala: 1. For teens to be saved and commit to a life of purity. 2. For safety—they live in a high crime country. 3. For leaders to mentor those who are saved. 4. For personal growth and family time. 5. For their children to do well in school.