Mrs. Zimmerman Team 1 Room 9 Contact me at:
Mrs. Misti Kelly Student Handbook 6th Grade Science Contact me at: or call during school hours HOMEWORK Hotline & School Website -- *Class Wikisite -- Username: emsteam1sciencePassword: science
Dear Parents, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to my new students. As always, the start of a school year holds the promise of new discovery and learning, as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas. I have put together a handbook of information to help you and your child become familiar with my expectations for the school year. Please spend time to read through this information, and then sign your name on the line below & return the bottom of this page of the handbook. This way I can be sure that all parents have seen my class handbook. Then students will keep the handbook in their science binder so that they can refer to it throughout the year. I’m looking forward to an exciting year with my classes. Thank you for your cooperation in getting this year off to a great start. Sincerely, Misti Kelly - Science PARENT SIGNATURE: _________________________ Student’s Name: _______________________________
Parent/Teacher COMMUNICATION I will be posting my daily powerpoints lessons & worksheets on my wikispaces website so you & your child can access this information for HW & quiz study. Wiki website: USERNAME: emsteam1science PASSWORD: science Grades are available through the Home Access Center. If you don’t have internet access let me know & I will send home paper copies of progress reports. I encourage parents to contact me with their questions or concerns. The BEST way to reach me is through my school address below. I check my throughout the day and will respond to you in a timely manner.
Units of Study: Chemistry Measuring Matter States of Matter Conservation of Matter Structure of Atom Periodic Table & Properties Chemical Reactions Compounds Conservation of Atoms Acids & Bases Units of Study: Physical Science Energy Motion Waves *Ecology is also part of the 6th Gr. Curriculum taught during Outdoor School. Syllabus for 6th Grade Science – Academic Classes Science classes include the opportunity for hands-on activities and use the of computers & data-collecting interfaces. Grading for 6th Grade Science For Academic Classes 60% of grade will be from summative assignments, 40% from formative assignments. * summative assignments are designed to evaluate student learning * formative assignments are designed to provide practice and guide next-step instruction
Units of Study: Chemistry Measuring Matter States of Matter Conservation of Matter Structure of Atom Periodic Table & Properties Chemical Reactions Compounds Conservation of Atoms Acids & Bases Units of Study: Physical Science Energy Motion Waves Simple Machines *Ecology is also part of the 6th Gr. Curriculum taught during Outdoor School. Syllabus for 6th Grade Science – Accelerated Classes Science classes include the opportunity for hands-on activities and use the of computers & data-collecting interfaces. The Accelerated Classes will include an increased pace and depth where students will process content using problem-solving approaches and open-ended assignments. Grading for 6th Grade Science For Accelerated Classes 70% of grade will be from summative assignments, 30% from formative assignments. * summative assignments are designed to evaluate student learning * formative assignments are designed to provide practice and guide next-step instruction
I strongly believe that the whole point of school is to learn. If you get back an assignment and you are unhappy with your grade then you can correct the problems that you missed and turn the assignment back in to the homework basket. (You do NOT have to redo the entire assignment, just erase & fix the incorrect items.) The point is to learn from your mistakes, not to fail. You may redo any* assignment that has a grade you are unhappy with. (*Redos on test & quizzes are at the discression of the teacher) If you redo an assignment, please write “REDO” on the top of the assignment and put it back in your class’ homework bin to be regraded. At that point, I will regrade it and put a new combined/averaged grade in my grade book. Correcting/Redoing Assignments Missing Assignments When parents look at grades using the Home Access Center no grade = a missing assignment. Please review these missing assignments and have them made up in a timely manner. Assignments collected before the interim must be made up before the interim report period ends or receive a grade of zero.
HOMEWORK POLICY Homework will be given as needed Monday – Thursday. Long term projects may also be assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to write their HW assignment in your agenda each day. Homework will be checked the next day. HW assignments may be checked in class OR may be collected and graded. See policies on missing assignments and redoing assignments
Class Guidelines 1.Cooperate with your teacher and classmates 2.Respect the rights and property of others. 3.Carry out your basic student responsibilities. Basic Student Responsibilities 1.Keep track of your own books and materials. 2.Ask for help when you need it. 3.Do your own work. 4.Turn your work in on time. 5.Accept responsibility for grades and other consequences. 6.Be honest. 7.Always use science materials in a safe manner.
HOMEWORK Mrs. Z’s handbook signed by Friday, Aug. 31 Always copy daily homework into your agenda.