Digital Portfolios Their function & how they help our students. By: Laura Guerrero (Innovator) Mia Taylor (Teacher) Alexandra Sympson (Counselor) Katie Allen (Researcher)
Teacher... What are the advantages of a digital portfolio? How are digital portfolios a tool for teachers and students?
Teacher What are the benefits of portfolios as a personal growth tool? How is reflection used in digital portfolios?
Counselor... What is a Growth Mindset? What is the difference between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset? How can a Growth Mindset improve learning?
Digital portfolios and growth mindset Visuals Questions and feedback Innovator....
Advantages Challenges Improvement Motivational Clarity Combining digital portfolios with a growth mindset Setting realistic expectations Independence Innovator
Researcher.. What are digital portfolios? 1. “A purposeful collection of student work that illustrates effort, progress and achievement in one or more areas” ’s- Artists, engineers, architects 3. Form of assessment 4. Utilize technology What is the difference between storage and growth portfolios? Storage: keeps your work Growth: critical thinking
Researcher Different Types of Portfolios: Early Paper Portfolios Working Portfolios Display Portfolios Assessment Portfolios Teaching Portfolios Why use electronic ones? Involve students in the learning process self-evaluate teaching students how to make choices promote feedback critical thinking