Handling Stress
Stress A physical, social, or mental event or condition that requires us to cope with a given situation.
Eustress vs Distress Eustress – positive stress that allows for personal growth and satisfaction Getting married Starting school Beginning a job Making new friends Learning a new skill
Eustress vs Distress Distress – negative stress that is caused by events that cause stress and strain Financial problems Death of a loved one Academic difficulties Breakup of a relationship
Response to Stress Fight-or-Flight when our bodies go on the alert to either fight or escape A sudden burst of energy and strength The heart speeds up, breathing increases, blood pressure elevates, sugar is released into the blood.
Stress and Your Health Greater risk for heart disease Can decrease immunity to disease Can cause negative mental reactions
Stress Reducers Assess stressors Change reactions to stress Learn to cope Exercise Relax Eat Healthy Manage time Reduce stresses
Other Techniques Hypnosis – focus on one thought, object, or voice Massage Therapy Meditation – focus on deep breathing Biofeedback – monitoring of physical responses to stress Support Groups