Stress What is it? Sources of stress Consequences of stress Coping with stress
What is Stress? “A physiological and emotional response to stimuli (stressors) that place physical or psychological demands on an individual” The response: Discomfort Anxiety Feelings of being overwhelmed Physical effects Withdrawal
General Adaptation Syndrome Stage 3 Exhaustion Stage 1 Alarm Stage 2 Resistance Normal level of resistance Response to stressful event
Sources of Stress Personal characteristics and circumstances Physical and task demands Role characteristics
Personal Characteristics Type A vs. Type B Type A = competitive, impatient, aggressive Type B = more relaxed, balanced Type A associated with higher levels of stress- related illness Personal events Changes in family circumstances Economic pressures Availability of support
Physical and Task Demands Physical demands of work Noise, heat, dust Too little privacy Repetitive movements Task demands Serious consequences of decisions Incomplete information Nonprogrammed decisions
Role Characteristics Role overload Too much to do Role ambiguity Uncertainty about what to do Role conflict Incompatible demands
Consequences of Stress Emotional consequences Irritability Violent reactions Burnout Physical consequences Sleep disturbances (too much or too little) Headaches Ulcers High blood pressure / heart disease Reduced resistance Emotional exhaustion leading to negative responses to others and eventual withdrawal
Reducing Stress Redesign jobs or the workplace Provide information Reduce task demands Reduce role ambiguity Reduce commitments
Managing Stress Social support Family Friends Support groups Calming activities Yoga, meditation or prayer Exercise Unhealthy coping mechanisms Food Alcohol or medications