How I use Assessment effectively Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training Ursula Brendling
In the classroom
In the studio
In the outdoors
One to one personal training
Assessment Methods CUSTOMER SERVICE Initial diagnostic. Job. Experience. Strength. Issues Formative. Regular questioning. Quizzes. Summary of sections. Summative. Test at the end. NVQ2 Multiple choice paper. Criterion referencing. FITNESS Initial assessment of fitness ability. F ormative. Ipsative. PB’s recorded every week for PT. Summative. Do aims meet results. NVQ level 2 Exercise to music.
Are minimum core elements included? CUSTOMER SERVICE MATHS ENGLISH ICT FITNESS Maths English ICT
Minimum core CUSTOMER SERVICE MATHS: working out the financial value of a customer ENGLISH: Lots of reading and writing throughout with corrected spelling where apt. ICT: Not much at present. Looking at introducing iPads for courses in the future. FITNESS MATHS: 37 different exercises. How many left to go? Working out Maximum Heart Rate. ENGLISH: Lots within NVQ for Level 2 Exercise to Music. ICT: Videoing of class examples for preparation of practical exam in NVQ for Level 2
Does the training cover the 6 principles of assessment? 1.Validity……does it effectively measure attainment of LA 2.Reliable and consistent 3.Clear, accurate, transparent 4.Inclusive and equitable 5.Integral part of programme design 6.Improvement and progression. Action plan.