SI System The International System of Units Derived Units Commonly Used in Science Area and Volume: Derived Units Prefixes in the SI System Map of the world where red represents countries which do not use the metric system
A Common System for Trade In 1790, the French government appointed a committee of scientists to develop a universal measuring system. English system of measurement originated in 1215 with the signing of the Magna Carta. It attempted to bring uniform measurements to world trade. It took ~10 years, and they unveiled the Metric system. length meterm massgramg volumeliterL timeseconds
The International System of Units Lengthmeter m Masskilogram kg Timesecond s Amount of substancemole mol Thermodynamic temperatureKelvin K Electric currentamperes amps Luminous intensitycandela cd QuantityNameSymbol Dorin, Demmin, Gabel, Chemistry The Study of Matter, 3 rd Edition, 1990, page 16
The Original Metric Reference H2OH2O = 1 liter Volume 1 kg H2OH2O = 1 kilogram Mass 1/10 m = 1 meter Length 1/10,000,000 Earth
The Official Standard Meter
The Official Standard Kilogram
Derived Units Commonly Used in Chemistry Areasquare meter m 2 Volumecubic meter m 3 Forcenewton N Pressurepascal Pa Energyjoule J Powerwatt W Voltagevolt V Frequencyhertz Hz Electric chargecoulomb C Quantity Name Symbol
Area and Volume: Derived Units Area = length x width = 5.0 m x 3.0 m = 15 ( m x m) = 15 m 2 Volume = length x width x height = 5.0 m x 3.0 m x 4.0 m = 60 ( m x m x m) = 60 m 3
Prefixes in the SI System Power of 10 for Prefix SymbolMeaning Scientific Notation _______________________________________________________________________ mega-M 1,000, kilo-k 1, deci-d centi-c milli-m micro- nano-n The Commonly Used Prefixes in the SI System Zumdahl, Zumdahl, DeCoste, World of Chemistry 2002, page 118