MODERN PHYSICS REVOLUTION Classical Newtonian Mechanics, Maxwell’s Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics proved hugely successful BUT…at the beginning of the 20th century some experimental results did not agree with classical models
GOAL #1: Review important experimental results including: Blackbody radiation Atomic Spectra Photo-electric effect X-ray emissions X-ray diffraction Davisson-Germer 2-Slit Experiment Rutherford Gold-foil experiment Michelson-Morley Compton effect Pair production/Pair annihilation
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Schroedinger Wave Equation Special relativity GOAL #2: Describe new concepts which led to a greater understanding of these results Quantization of light energy Wave-particle Duality Quantized energy levels of Hydrogen
Blackbody Radiation (cont.) The peak of a blackbody's spectrum is determined by its temperature The hotter the object the “bluer” the light. The Sun (6000 K) emits most of its radiation at visible wavelengths ( nm). Room temperature objects (300 K) emit most of their radiation at infrared wavelengths.
Stefan-Boltzman Law The total energy emitted by each square meter of a blackbody’s surface depends only on the temperature. If you double the temperature of a blackbody the amount of energy radiated goes up 16 times!
Wien’s Displacement Law The wavelength corresponding to the maximum intensity of radiation is inversely proportional to the temperature
Blackbody Spectrum CLASSICAL MODEL
UV Catastrophe Classically, energy should be shared equally between all of the possible energy modes (equipartition theorem) Allowed modes are EM standing waves. Classical prediction provided good agreement with experimental data at longer wavelengths But, more allowed modes at short wavelengths led to prediction that the intensity of UV light would “blow up”
Planck’s Hypothesis (1900) Planck sought a mathematical “band-aid” to patch up the classical model so it would agree with experiment Proposed that the radiation energy associated with each frequency had to come in “chunks”
Classically, energy levels of radiation are continuous. Planck proposed that energy is “quantized” At large wavelengths (small frequencies) quanta are so tiny we don’t notice them. At small wavelengths (high frequencies) the quanta are large…“chunkiness” of the energy is more noticeable. But…in 1900 no one thought this made any sense. It was just a trick to make theory agree with experiment!
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