8-4 Properties of Logarithms Check Skills You’ll Need Page 446
Loudness of Sounds Decibels I is the intensity of the sound wave in watts per square meter. I 0 is the lowest-intensity sound that the average human ear can detect.
Noise Control L 1 = present loudness L 2 =reduced loudness I 1 = present intensity I 2 = reduced intensity L 1 – L 2 is how much the loudness changed. L 1 – L 2 is how much the loudness changed.
8-5 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations Taking the log of both sides of an equation. Change of Base formula. If an equation is in exponential form, then take the log of both sides. If an equation is in logarithmic form, then write it in exponential form. Don’t forget to use the properties.
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8-6 Natural Logarithms Remember e. The function y = e x has an inverse, THE NATURAL LOGARITHMIC FUNCTION.
Properties All of the properties of common logarithms apply to natural logarithms also.