Air Pollution
Air pollution Air Pollution- change in the atmosphere that has a negative impact Emission- solid particles and gases that are released into the air Things that cause pollution are –Carbon monoxide – soot –Ash –Sulfur –Nitrogen oxide
Smog, what causes it? Photochemical smog [smog]- thick brownish haze formed when certain gases in the air react with sunlight Causes are –Automobiles and trucks –Hydrocarbons –Nitrogen oxides Ozone- gases react with sunlight and produce a form of oxygen Temperature Inversion-layer of warm air prevents the rising air from escaping then the smog becomes more dangerous and concentrated
Health effects of Smog Health effects are –Itchy water eyes –Scratchy throat –Lung problems –Harm defenses against infections
Acid rain and the causes Acid rain –precipitation that is more acidic than normal Causes are when nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide react with water vapor Can be found in snow, sleet or fog
Effects of acidic rain Has some negative effects they are –Can change in conditions in pond or lakes –Destroys plants and forests –Can rust objects [not reversible] To neutralize acidic rain add lime
Indoor pollution Indoor pollution-pollution inside Examples are –Dust –Pet hair –Air freshener –Paints oils and glue –Smoking These things can cause lung disease and damage the heart
Global warming Global warming- increase in carbon dio- oxide will rise temperature This could cause more storms and affect crop growth and Antarctica ice cap would melt
Calculating climate change Calculating is complex Takes less than century Use computer models to calculate changes in atmosphere
The End