Social inequality Alsancak vs Kahramanlar & Izmir compared to overall Turkey 2013
Topics Money Average income - Available Percenatge of people receiving social welfare - Available Average retirement benefits – N/A Work General unemployment rate - Available Youth unemployement rate - Available Living conditions Percentage of homeless people – N/A Average space in square meters per person – N/A Apartment or house prices per square meter – N/A Average rent for apartments or houses per square meter – N/A Education Percentage of people with university degree - Available Other Immigration rate – Available (Izmir only) Crime rate - Available
Alsancak vs Kahramanlar Alsancak Kahramanlar
Money; Annual average income TL
Money; Social welfare comparison Alsancak Kahramanlar
Work ; General & Youth Unemployment rate
Education; Percentage of people with university degree
Other; Immigration rate
Other; Crime Status