6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai1 First Example in Geant4 3rd HK simulation group meeting
6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai2 Novice Example N01 Can be found under $G4INSTALL/examples/novice/N01 in the theta13 server Copy the whole directory to your home directory if you want to compile, using the command, cp -r $G4INSTALL/examples/novice/N01.
6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai3 Geometry Fixed geometry: rectangular box mother volume filled with argon gas, cylindrical tracker tube made by aluminum, lead block and aluminum slices as calorimeter See ExN01DetectorConstruction.cc for details
6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai4 Particle and Process Incident particle = Geantino No real physics interaction, only transportation process (just move the particle!) See ExN01PhysicsList.cc for details (very simple)
6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai5 Primary Particle Generation Declare number and type of primary particles to be generated Give energy and momentum to the primary particles See ExN01PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc for details
6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai6 How to compile? Under the directory …/N01/, where you see the GNUmakefile, type gmake (or make) You should be able to find the executable under $G4WORKDIR/bin/$G4SYSTEM/
6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai7 Output ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = geantino, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -2e e expHall initStep e e tracker Transportation e e e+03 expHall Transportation e e e+03 caloBlock Transportation e e+03 caloLayer Transportation e e+03 caloBlock Transportation e e+03 caloLayer Transportation e e+03 caloBlock Transportation e e+03 caloLayer Transportation e e+03 caloBlock Transportation e e+03 caloLayer Transportation e e+03 caloBlock Transportation e e+03 caloLayer Transportation postion K.E. energy deposit volume label process name
6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai8 Remarks Those.hh files are header files which are used by the.cc files You can change the code and try to re- compile Each run ends when the Geantino travels outside the world volume Read the README file accompanied with the code Main program (exampleN01.cc) is somewhat standard. You can read the source code.
6th April 2005Wah-kai Ngai9 Summary This example demonstrates how the basic Geant4 framework works. We first define the detector geometry and materials Then physics processes are declared Final we have to generate primary event