Basic Computer Network
TOPOLOGI Topologi fisik
Topologi bus
Topologi ring
Topologi star
Logika Topologika Thin Ethernet network (physical bus, logical bus)
10Base-T Ethernet network (physical star, logical bus)
Tipe Komunikasi Peer-to-Peer Client - Server
Area Base of Computer Network LAN MAN WAN
Types of Computer Networks Local Area Networks (LANs) within a building or campus usually based on broadcast channels often connected via gateways to wide area networks Examples: (Fast)Ethernet, FDDI rings, Myrinet, ATM LANs Bit rates: Mbps Cable Computer (b) (a) Computer
Type of Computer Networks Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) covers area of a city usually based on LAN technology Examples: DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus), cable television networks
Type of Computer Networks Wide Area (Long Haul) Networks may cover country, continent Most communication links are point-to-point usually irregular topology usually organized as a “subnet” to which hosts have access. switching elements are generically referred to as routers