Whales and their Adaptations By: Mehak
Introduction Big, cute, and blue! Have you ever seen a whale? Here are some adaptations to help the blue and humpback whale species better survive.
How They Migrate And Give Birth When it is winter the mom whale also known as a cow, does not eat anything it is very hungry. This is a behavioral adaptation because they know how to do it. In springtime the cow heads for the arctic to eat food.This is a behavioral adaptation because they know how to do it.
How They Grow The humpbacks eat fish, shrimp, krill, squid. This adaptation is behavioral because it is an action. A baby whale(a calf), when it gets born gains 200lb each day. That is amazing! This is a behavioral adaptation and a physical because it uses its mouth to eat the food and it is an action for it to eat.
How They Get Born A calf is born alive. The calf swims out of the cow tail first. The calf swims to the surface to get to it’s first breath. This is a behavioral adaptation because it is an action.
How They Eat Food A baby whale drinks its mother’s milk. This is a behavioral adaptation because it is a thing it does.Baby whales use baleen to eat food instead of teeth. This is a physical adaptation because it is a part of its body.
How They Take Care Of Their Young Mother whales fight predators for young and they feed milk to young. This is behavioral adaptation because it is an action they do.
Conclusion Now you know all about whale adaptations! Learning about whales is fun and I hope hat you will find more about wale adaptations too!