Hubs Hubs Bridges Bridges Switches Switches On-Line On-Line Off-line Off-line Bibliography Bibliography
A hub is a device used to connect multiple Ethernet devices and making them work as a single network. It has a certain number of inputs and outputs which allows the connection. Back to contents
A network bridge connects multiple networks. This can be connecting different Local Area Networks for example. Back to contents
A network switch is a networking device that connects network segments or network devices. It is used for devices to communicate between each other successfully. Back to contents
Online indicates a state of connectivity. For example if you are ‘online’ in Face book, it means that you are currently connected to the server of Face book. If you are online in a server, it means that you are connected to the server. Back to contents
Offline indicates a state of non connectivity. For example if you are ‘offline’ in Face book, it means that you are currently not connected to the server of Face book. If you are offline in a server, it means that you are not connected to the server. Back to contents
on/bridge on/bridge mall_business/resource_center/articles/conn ect_employees_and_offices/what_is_a_networ k_switch/index.html mall_business/resource_center/articles/conn ect_employees_and_offices/what_is_a_networ k_switch/index.html rking.html rking.html