Slide 1 Smart technology and community care for older people: innovation in West Lothian, Scotland by Alison Bowes and Gillian McColgan.


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Presentation transcript:

Slide 1 Smart technology and community care for older people: innovation in West Lothian, Scotland by Alison Bowes and Gillian McColgan

Slide 2 Thanks to:  The Health Foundation  The Nuffield Foundation  Gill McColgan, Sherry MacIntosh, Mike Wilson  West Lothian Council  Research participants  Photographs – Gary Baker Photography, Dave Henniker

Slide 3 West Lothian, Scotland

Slide 4 Smart technology in West Lothian everyone aged 60 and over (10,000 households) baseline for support for older people augmented if support needs develop: –Home Safety Service –Home Safety Service Plus –Housing with Care challenging stigma

Slide 5 The technology ‘package’ the central unit, linking sensors to the Call Centre two passive infrared (PIR) detectors two flood detectors one heat extreme sensor (hot and cold) one smoke detector and (optional) other devices to suit the individual

Slide 6 West Lothian housing

Slide 7 Smart technology at home

Slide 8 The new developments

Slide 9 The research evaluation views and experiences of key stakeholders –older people in the different settings –informal carers –staff at all levels comparator study in another area file study study of costs

Slide 10 Technology and the model of care The policy context –increasing older population –promoting independence –care in the community –multi-disciplinary working Re-engineering services –closing residential care homes –fewer long stay hospital beds –joint working –capacity planning –use of smart technology

Slide 11 Dispersed housing: users’ and informal carers’ views staying at home and keeping independence the importance of choice the importance of informal support support for carers neighbourly relations smart technology for safety, security and support

Slide 12 New developments: users’ and informal carers’ views safety and security independence, choice and capacity building relieving carer stress continuing community relations new community relations

Slide 13 Staff perspectives culture change at all levels changing patterns of work (‘support’, not ‘care’) new working teams multi-disciplinary working limits of the model

Slide 14 Costs comparative performance of West Lothian costs of the programme high quality services with control of costs

Slide 15 Conclusions changing cultures of care and support for older people technology as a catalyst independence and choice the importance of informal care and support for informal carers normalising strategy community support and participation high quality services and control of costs