The Derivative
Example (1) Find the derivative of f(x) = 4 at any point x
Example (2) Find the derivative of f(x) = 4x at any point x
Example (3) Find the derivative of f(x) = x 2 at any point x
Example (4) Find the derivative of f(x) = x 3 at any point x
Example (5) Find the derivative of f(x) = x 4 at any point x
Example (6) Find the derivative of f(x) = 3x 3 + 5x 2 - 2x + 7 at any point
Questions Find from the definition the derivative of each of the following functions: 1. f(x) = 1/x 2. f(x) = 1/x 2 3. f(x) = √x 4. f(x) = 5 / (2x + 3)
Power Rule Let: f(x) = x n, where n is a real number other than zero Then: f'(x ) = n x n-1 If f(x) = constant, then f ' (x) = 0
Algebra of Derivatives
Example (1)
The Chain Rule The derivative of composite function for the case f(x) = g n (x) Let: f(x) = g n (x) Then: f ' (x) = ng n-1 (x). g ' (x) Example: Let f(x) = (3x 8 - 5x + 3 ) 20 Then f(x) = 20 (3x 8 - 5x + 3 ) 19 (24x 7 - 5)
Examples (1)
Example (2)
Answers of Questions (1) Find from the definition the derivative of each of the following functions: 1. f(x) = 1/x 2. f(x) = 1/x 2 3. f(x) = √x 4. f(x) = 5 / (2x + 3)
Differentiability & Continuity 1. If a function is differentiable at a point, then it is continuous at that point. Thus if a function is not differentiable at a point, then it cannot be continuous at that point. But the converse is not true. A function can be continuous at a point without being differentiable at that point. 2. A point of the graph at which the graph of the function has a vertical tangent or a sharp angle is a point where the function is not differentiable regardless of continuity
Examples (1) Sharp Corner This function (Graph it!) is continuous at the point x=2, since the limit and value of the function at that point are equal ( Show that!) but it is not differentiable at that point, since the right derivative of f at x=2 is not equal to the left derivative a that point.
Examples (2) Vertical Tangent When both right and left derivatives are +∞ or both are - ∞ This function (Graph it!) is continuous at the point x=0, since the limit and value of the function at that point are equal ( Show that!) but it is not differentiable at that point, since the right derivative (and also the left derivatives) of f do not exist at x=2 ( both are +∞)
Examples (3) Cusp When the right derivative is +∞ and the other is- ∞ This function (Graph it!) is continuous at the point x=0, since the limit and value of the function at that point are equal ( Show that!) but it is not differentiable at that point, since at x=2 the right derivative does not exist ( is + ∞) and also the left derivatives does not exist and is -∞)
Limits Involving Trigonometric Functions
All trigonometric functions are continuous a each point of their domains, which is R for the sine & cosine functions, R-{ π/2, - π/2, 3π/2, - 3π/2,…………} for the Tangent and the Secant functions and R- {0, π, - π, 3π, - 3π,…………} for the Cotangent and the Cosecant functions. Thus: The the limit of sinx and cosx at any real number are sina and cosa respectively.
Important Identity
Derivatives Involving Trigonometric Functions
Examples I
Examples II
Examples III