Recent RRT Activities with Canada RRT1 Redrafts of inland CANUSEAST and CANUSQUE (along with RRT2 ) plans to be finalized soon. CANUSLANT updated in May. Annual Joint Response Team (JRT) Meeting conducted in November. Reviewing JRT membership under new Marine Joint Contingency Plan (JCP). Biannual CANUSLANT Exercise has been postponed until 2005 due to competing port security and special event (DNC/RNC) workload.
Recent RRT Activities with Canada RRT1 Continued Plan to continue cross-border workshop series: - Focused on environmental/priority areas in Workshops on fisheries/aquaculture, wildlife, and modeling planned for the future.
Recent RRT Activities with Canada RRT2 Working with RRT5 to develop exercise scenarios to test CANUSCENT - ANNEX III. Finalized redraft of redraft the inland CANUSQUE response plan with RRT1. RRT5 Communication among EPA, Environment Canada, USCG, and Canadian Coast Guard continues to be frequent, open, and during incidents, essentially immediate. The Joint preparedness Team meets twice a year and representative from Environment Canada regularly attends all RRT5 meetings.
Recent RRT Activities with Canada RRT5 Continued Regional Environmental Emergency Teams, convened jointly by Environment Canada and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, include as formal members the pre-designated EPA OSC for the contiguous OPA sub-area planning committee. Promulgated the updated Joint Marine Contingency Plan in May, Planning exercises to test the notification and coordination protocols of the CANUSCENT and CANUSLAK plans.
Recent RRT Activities with Canada RRT8 In February, 2003 conducted a functional exercise with Environment Canada, R5, and the states of MN and ND. Scenario involved a pipeline rupture resulting in the discharge of oil to the Red River during flood stage. Exercise pointed out that all response personnel must carry driver’s license and or passport and birth certificates to facilitate border crossings.
Recent RRT Activities with Canada RRT10 Activated CANUSWEST for information sharing during TOPOFF 2 Met with US and Canadian Customs and Immigration to discuss post 9/11 changes. Finalizing CANUSWEST-North portion addressing the Alaska/Canada border region. Developing CANUSWEST web site. Signed CANUSPAC annex in August Planning full scale exercise of the CANUSPAC annex and JRT (May 04) with US and Canadian contractors, testing customs and immigrations policies. Developing a Wildlife Workgroup to develop a plan for response to cross-border wildlife issues. Discussing combining some of the annexes in the northwest.