LIEBE project Safety aspects of the Pb/Bi loop target LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Thanks to : AP. Bernardes/EN/STI, J.Blaha/DGS-RP,


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Presentation transcript:

LIEBE project Safety aspects of the Pb/Bi loop target LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Thanks to : AP. Bernardes/EN/STI, J.Blaha/DGS-RP, Richard Catherall/EN/STI, JC.David/CEA/SPhN, M.Delonca/EN/STI, TM.De Melo Mendonca/EN/STI, A.Dorsival/DGS-RP, P.Lamuth/CEA/DPSN, N.RAXACH/CEA/DPSN, T.Stora/EN/STI and J.Vollaire/DGS-RP…

Isotope inventory LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Preliminaries results on isotope inventory obtained with nuclear models CEA  MCNPX (INCL4.6/ABLA07) + CINDER’90 (activation) A. Boudard, J. Cugnon, J.-C. David, S. Leray, and D. Mancusi, “New potentialities of the Liège intranuclear cascade (INCL) model for reactions induced by nucleons and light charged particles.” Phys. Rev. C, 87, 1, (2013). J.-C. David et al., “Modeling astatine production in liquid lead- bismuth spallation targets.” Eur. Phys. J. A, 49, 3, 29 (2013). CERN  FLUKA (results need to be validated by the FLUKA’s developers)

Isotope inventory LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Beam parameters: 1.4 GeV proton beam Irradiation time: 8.0E+5 s Intensity: 1.25E+13 proton/s FLUKA GeometryMCNPX simulation : Only consider the Pb/Bi target Target: 45.5% Pb, 55.5% Bi Inside a tantalum cylinder (r=1cm, l=20cm) Filled up to ~70% m = 547 g

Isotope inventory LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Preliminaries results on the total activity: Decay timeA MCNPX (GBq)A FLUKA (GBq)(A MCNPX - A FLUKA )/A FLUKA (%) 0 hour day month Good agreement between FLUKA and MCNPX (INCL4.6/ABLA07) on macroscopic observables for radioprotection comparison on the isotope inventory ? Following comparison is focused only on the main contributor in term of radiotoxicity (>1% of total) defined by the LA (Limit Authorisation, ORaP)

Isotope inventory LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Comparison between FLUKA and MCNPX (INCL4.6/ABLA07) within a factor 2 on radionuclides which mainly contribute to radiotoxicity RadionuclideHalf LifeA FLUKA (Bq)A MCNPX (Bq) A FLUKA /LA/Σ i A i /LA i (%) (A MCNPX -A FLUKA )/A FLUKA (%) 206 Po2.9 y1.50E E Kr6.2 d2.30E E Hg8.8 d1.90E E m In2.7 d1.40E E Kr9.9 h1.30E E Bi3.8 h1.30E E Ar74.5 y6.40E E m Kr29.8 s5.60E E Po2.8 h1.00E E Kr76.3 m5.00E E Kr35 h4.70E E Hg74.3 m1.70E E O109.3 m4.10E E Gd122 s7.30E E Hg4.5 h1.80E E Rh0 s3.50E E Problem known on 114m In, and usually for metastable radionuclide with INCL4.6/ABLA07

Environmental release LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Arbitrary assumptions to obtain an estimate of the radiological impact on public: All the activity produced in the target is released Wind: 5 m.s -1 Normal condition for diffusion Reference group distance: 1 km from source Inhalation DCF: Arrêté du 1er septembre 2003 (BO ) Air submersion DCF: Federal Guidance n°12 Ground deposition DCF: Federal Guidance n°12 Calculation done on the radiological impact due to an environmental release in order to determine the risk for population (not official methodology for the project) Official calculations will be done using CERN methodology

Environmental release LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Preliminaries results: Decay time Total activity (GBq) Inhalation effective dose (µSv) Air submersion effective dose (µSv) Ground deposition effective depot (µSv) Total adult effective dose (µSv) 0 seconds1,82E+0435,3513,2956,81105,45 Decay time Total activity (GBq) Inhalation effective dose (µSv) Air submersion effective dose (µSv) Ground deposition effective depot (µSv) Total child effective dose (µSv) 0 seconds1,82E+0433,6913,2956,81103,79 Only a factor 2 between the total effective doses calculated and the CERN nuclear safety objective (same factor than the nuclear models comparison) If theses calculations are confirmed: only one barrier is needed for the nuclear safety demonstration CERN nuclear safety objective: In case of failure, the total effective dose must not exceed 200 µSv for the population reference group

Fire prevention course LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 June 2013 : 3 days course on fire prevention code CDI done by P.LAMUTH and N.RAXACH (CEA/DPSN) at CERN Participants to the course: EN/STI DGS/SEE Content of the course: awareness to the fire hazards presentation of CDI how to do a fire study training with CDI on realistic cases

Conclusions -Only preliminaries results on isotope inventory and radiological impact on population (not official results, only rough estimation) -FLUKA calculations were done but they need to be validated by FLUKA’s developers Up to now: -Good agreement on nuclear models comparison, within a factor 2 on the radionuclides which mainly contribute to the radiotoxicity -Only a factor 2 on the radiological impact of an environmental release between the total effective doses calculated and the CERN nuclear safety objective -Work ongoing  Isotope inventory : comparison to experiment  Nuclear safety analysis  Description of the different phases of the process  Definition of the normal condition parameters for operation and the monitoring associated If theses calculations are confirmed: only one barrier is needed for the nuclear safety demonstration

Defence in depth LIEBE meeting report – WP5A. Marchix19/09/2013 Principle  to compensate for potential human and component failures  to maintain the effectiveness of the barriers by averting damage to the plant and to the barriers themselves  to protect the public and the environment from harm in the event that these barriers are not fully effective. Undesirable event Failure tree Failure mode of a safety function Barrier Failure