Live Like a King Romans 5 Chapter 4
Romans: a book of logic & “therefore”. –Therefore of condemnation in Rom 3:20 –Therefore of justification in Rom 5:1 –Therefore of no condemnation in Rom 8:1 –Therefore of dedication: Rom 12:1 Justification lasts? –“Our justification” in Rom 4 explains the two basic truths: the blessings of our justification and the basis for our justification. The Blessings of Our Justification (5: 1- 11)
–Two purposes Our justification not only a guarantee of heaven, but also the source of tremendous blessings here and now (John 10:10) Justification is the lasting thing. –Blessings Peace with God (5:1) –“There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked” (Isa 48:22) –“And the work of righteousness shall be peace” (Isa 32:17) –Condemnation: God declares us sinners which is a declaration of war »“Because the law worketh wrath” (4:15) –Justification: God declares us righteous which is a declaration of peace
–Ps 85:11 “righteousness & peace”futur Access to God (2a) (Eph 2:18) –Jews kept from God’s presence by the veil in the temple –Gentiles kept from God’s presence by the wall in the temple –Justification: our standing –Sanctification: our state –Access: an entrance to the king through the favor of another Glorious Hope (2b) –Peace of God takes care of the past takes care of the –Access to God takes care of the present –“Hope of the glory of God takes care of the future –Rejoice: boast Christian Character (3-4)
–Justification – no escape from the trials of life »“In the world ye shall have tribulation” John 16:33 –Trials work for the believer, not against him »Bring closer to God & become more like Christ –Experience (5:4): Character that has been proved, or tried –Tribulation * patience * proven character * hope »Tribulum (Latin):a heavy piece of timber with spikes in itused for threshing the grain (separating the wheat from chaff) –Trials only purify us & help to get rid of “the chaff” (Heb 12:1) God’s Love (5-8) –Love of God is “poured into our hearts” –First aspects of fruit of the Spirit: love (5:5), joy (5:2), & peace (5:1)
–Inner experience of love through the Spirit helps sustain as we go through the trials –Faith (5:1), Hope (5:2), & Love (5:5) give believers patience in trial of life »Mature child of God (James 1: 1-4) Salvation from future wrath (9-10) –No believer will experience the wrath to come (I Thess 1:9-10, 5:8-10) –“Saved by His life” (4:25) Reconciliation with God (11) –Atonement: reconciliation, brought back into fellowship with God –Jesus our peacemaker (Eph 2: 11-18) –Salvation takes care of the past, present, and future –Christ died for us, lives for us, and is coming for us The Basis of Our Justification (5:12-21)
–“One”: 11 times Our identification with Adam and Christ –Repetition of “reign” : 5 times –“Much more”: 5 times Jesus gained more than we ever lost in Adam –Contrast of Adam & Christ Adam, racial head (5:12-14) –Cause: disobedience of Adam Christ: Head of new creation (II Cor 5:17) Adam’s offense is contrasted with Christ’s free gift (15) –“Many” means the same as all men in (12 & 18) –Much more: physical, spiritual, & abundant life (John 10:10)
The effect of Adam’s sin is contrasted with the effect of Christ’s obedience (16) The two reigns are contrasted (17) –Adam’s disobedience led to death (6:23) –New kingdom of Christ: “ For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” I14:7) The two “one act” are contrasted (18-19) –Adam: offense & disobedience »Offense: trespass – crossing over the lines »Gen. 2:16-17 Tree –The righteousness of one »The righteous work of Christ on the cross »The obedience of one (Phil 2:5-12) »Justification of life »Result of living union with Christ
»Righteous life of obedience Law & grace are contrasted (20-21) –Grace was the part of God’s plan from the beginning –Law was temporary –Law reveals man’s need for grace –Sin abounds, but Grace abounds much more »Example of Saul & David and Satan & Jesus –Adam: “the figure him of that was to come” »Type of Jesus (5:14) »Earth vs heaven »Tested in a garden with beauty & love & tempted in the wilderness »Thief vs turning to a thief »O.T, the book of the generation of Adam and with curse; N.T., the book of Jesus with no more curse