Revamped National Food Security Mission during 12 th Plan Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation National Food Security Mission
Production Targets during XI and XII Plan National Food Security Mission 2 NFSM Component XI Plan XII Plan Target fixed for additional production during terminal year of XI Plan ( pre-NFSM year) ( Terminal year of XI Plan) Increase ( in million tons) Target fixed for additional production during the terminal year of XII Plan Wheat Rice Pulses Coarse Cereals* Total foodgrain Note : * Coarse Cereals included under NFSM in 12 th Plan
Approved Allocation of Rs crores in XII Plan as compared to Rs crore in XI Plan National Food Security Mission 3 Year Amount (in Crore)
Schemes subsumed with NFSM in XII Plan National Food Security Mission 4 Name of Scheme/ProgrammeCrops included under NFSM Initiative for Nutritional Security through Intensive Millets Promotion (INSIMP)Millets Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil palm and Maize ( ISOPOM)Maize Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP)Dual purpose coarse cereals Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC) Cotton Jute Technology Mission (JTM) Jute
Strategies National Food Security Mission 5 Cropping system approach – 30% crop demonstrations will be under this approach. Cafeteria of interventions for Cluster Demonstrations. Inclusion of Commercial Crops (Jute, Sugarcane and Cotton) -Emphasis on inter-cropping. Emphasis on pulses. Fund to be released to State Governments who will release to State Implementing Agencies.
CAFETERIA OF INTERVENTIONS FOR BLOCK DEMONSTRATION RICEWHEATPULSESCOARSE CEREALS HYVs-transplanted and direct seeded, SRI, Hybrids rice stress tolerant varieties Seed treatment Micro Nutrients : Zinc, Boron, Iron Bio-fertilizers Use of lime/liming material to correct soil acidity Use of Weedicides IPM in rice including mechanical devices Promotion of mechanical transplanting Moisture stress management chemicals like PPFM bacteria Green Manuring HYVs and rust tolerant HYVs Lime and Liming Material for acidic soils Gypsum/Phospho gypsum in moderately alkaline soils Micro Nutrients : Zinc, Boron, Iron Bio-fertilizers Seed treatment with fungicide Soil treatment for Termite control Use of Laser land leveler Line sowing using seed drills. Weedicides Moisture stress chemicals Potassium chloride or hydrogel Green Manuring Conservation agriculture HYVs : Urd, Moong, Moth, Cowpea, Pigeon pea, Chick Pea, ield pea, Lentil, Horse gram Seed treatment with fungicides/trichoderma Intercropping of pulses with other crops like sugarcane, cotton etc Promotion of summer moong Planting of Pulses in rice fallows and rice bunds Planting of Kharif Pulses on Ridges (Urd, Moong, Arhar) Replacement of utera crop by sown crop Use of Micro Nutrients Zinc, Boron, Iron, Molybdenum. Bio-fertlizers :Rhyzobium and PSB, Potash mobilizing bacteria and zinc solubilizing bacteria Use of Sulphur as a nutrient Use of pre and post emergence weedicide Demonstration on IPM including mechanical devices Foliar spray of nutrients Maize/Barley Hybrid /HYVs Seed treatment Ridge furrow planting Micro-nutrient: Zinc Weedicide and Pesticide Bio-fertilizers Demonstration on IPM including mechanical devices Millets : HYVs and hybrid : Pearl millet Sorghum and HYVs of small millets line sowing Micro nutrients (Zinc, Boron, Iron) Weedicides and pesticides Bio-fertilizers Demonstration on IPM including mechanical devices National Food Security Mission 6
Pattern of Assistance under NFSM- Commercial Crops National Food Security Mission 7 COTTON JUTESUGARCANE ComponentUnit cost (Rs.)ComponentUnit costComponentUnit cost Insecticide Resistant Management (IRM) Rs.4.5 lakh / dist + Administrative cost Seed production Production of Breeder Seed Production of Foundation Seed Production of certified Seeds Rs 20000/qtl Rs.12000/qtl Rs.5000/qtl Demonstration on intercropping with Sugarcane and single bud chip technology of sugarcane. (cluster of 10 ha) Seed Production Rs.8000 per ha (Rs for inputs & Rs for Contingency) Online Pest Monitoring and Advisory Services (OPMAS) Rs. 4.5 lakh / dist + Administrative cost Seed Village programme and Production of seed in government farm (10 ha each) Rs. 30,000/- ha Assistance for Breeder Seed Production Rs per ha (Rs for inputs & Rs for Contingency) Front Line Demonstration on Integrated Crop Management (ICM) ((cluster of 10 ha) Rs.7000/ha (Rs for inputs & Rs for Contingency) FLDs on alternate Retting technologies (0.25 ha ) Rs /FLD (Rs for inputs & Rs for Contingency) Production of tissue culture raised plantlets/ seedlings Rs. 3.5 per seedlings Front Line Demonstration on Desi and ELS cotton/ELS cotton seed production (cluster of 10 ha) Rs.8000/ha (Rs 7000 for inputs & Rs for Contingency) FLDs on Production technologies/ intercropping (cluster of 10 ha)) Rs.8000/ha (Rs for inputs & Rs for contingency) Strengthening / establishment of bio agent and tissue culture laboratory 50% of cost limited to Rs. 75 lakhs per laboratory Front Line Demonstration on Intercropping ((cluster of 10 ha) Rs.7000/ha (Rs for inputs & Rs for Contingency) National level training (25 Participants X 3 days) Rs.80000/Training National Level Trainings (25 Participants X 2 days) Rs per training Trials on High Density Planting System ((cluster of 10 ha) Rs.9000/ha (Rs for inputs & Rs for Contingency) State level training (20 Officials X 2 days) Rs /Training State level training (20 Officials X 2 days) Rs per training Contingencies &Electronic Print Media Rs lakh per year Contingencies &Electronic Print Media Rs lakh/ year Contingencies &Electronic Print Media Rs lakh per year
New Initiative included in Revised NFSM National Food Security Mission 8 Strategic Research Project- SAUs,ICAR Institutes & International Organization Specialized Projects for high Productivity Areas (Reclamation of problematic soils, Water Logged Area and Climate Change ) Support to institutes/ organizations including NGOs for demonstration of improved crop production technologies in remote Areas Value Chain Integration for small farmers through formation of FPO Assistance of Custom Hiring Marketing support for pulses and Millets (insurance cover, dal mill, millet processing unit)
Cost Norm for Cluster Demonstration & Other Interventions ParticularsRiceWheatPulsesCoarse Cereals A. Demonstration (Rs/ha) 1.Individual Crop 2.Cropping Based Approach B. Seed Distribution (Rs/ Kg) 1.High Yielding Varieties 2.Hybrid (Rice & Coarse Cereals) C. Plant Protection (Rs /ha) 1.PP Chemicals & Bio-pesticides 2.Weedicides 500 D. Micro-nutrient & Soil Ameliorants (Rs / ha) 1. Gypsum /phosphogypsum/ bentonite sulphur 2. Micronutrients 3. Bio-fertilizers (Rhyzobium/ PSB) 4. Lime / liming materials E. Local initiatives5% National Food Security Mission 9
NFSM Coverage National Food Security Mission 10
DISTRICT COVERED UNDER NFSM DURING XII PLAN National Food Security Mission 11 Sl No.StatesRiceWheatPulsesCoarse Cereals 1Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur
Contd.. National Food Security Mission 12 Sl. No.StatesRiceWheatPulsesCoarse Cereals 16Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Total States Total Districts
National Food Security Mission 13