Chapter Teacher: Remah W. Al-Khatib
This lecture will cover: The human visual system Light and the electromagnetic spectrum Image representation Image sensing and acquisition Sampling, quantisation and resolution
The best vision model we have! It is one of the most sophisticated image processing and analysis systems. Knowledge of how images form in the eye can help us with processing digital images Its understanding would also help in the design of efficient, accurate and effective computer/machine vision systems.
In the following slides we will consider what is involved in capturing a digital image of a real world scene: Image sensing and representation Sampling and quantisation Resolution
A typical image formation system consists of an illumination” source, and a sensor. Energy from the illumination source is either reflected or absorbed by the object or scene, which is then detected by the sensor. Depending on the type of radiation used, a photo converter (e.g., a phosphor screen) is typically used to convert the energy into visible light. Sensors that provide digital image as output, the incoming energy is transformed into a voltage waveform by a sensor material that is responsive to the particular energy radiation. The voltage waveform is then digitized to obtain adiscrete output.
Incoming energy is transformed into a voltage by the combination of input electrical power and sensor material.
Continuous image to be converted into digital :form Sampling: digitize the coordinate values Quantization: digitize the amplitude values Issues in sampling and quantization, related to.sensors
Conventions Origin at the top left corner x increases from left to right y increases from top to bottom Each element of the matrix array is called a pixel, for picture element
Matrix form bits to store the image = M x N x k gray level = 2k
L-level digital image of size MxN = digital image having a spatial resolution MxN pixels a gray-level resolution of L levels Spatial resolution determined by sampling Smallest discernible detail in an image Gray-level resolution determined by number of gray scales Smallest change in gray level
Down-sampling Up-sampling
2k-level digital image of size NxN How K and N affect the image quality
How many samples and gray levels are required for a good approximation? Quality of an image depends on number of pixels and gray-level number i.e. the more these parameters are increased, the closer the digitized array approximates the original image. But: Storage & processing requirements increase rapidly as a function of N, M, and k
Operations applied to digital images: Zoom: up-sampling Pixel duplication Bi-linear interpolation Shrink: down-sampling