Stereogram Solver Katya Groisman
What is stereogram? Two-dimensional image, with an optic illusion of depth.
Examples of Stereogram
We will discuss two kinds of Stereogram
One of them is created by repeating the object horizontally in the image.
The other is based on random dot stereogram. Sometimes using repeating pattern instead.
The other is based on single image dot stereogram. Sometimes using repeating pattern instead.
Creating a stereogram (pattern example)
Needed: 1. Pattern Image
2. Black & White Mask
The mask is black & white image. The background is black, and as whiter the points of the figure are, as closer they are to you.
Generating a neat stereogram, using good depth map.
How can I see that? There are two possible techniques
1. Parallel viewing
1. Cross-eyed viewing
Not all people can see those images
And that is why you should use my stereogram solver ;)
Approach Letting the program resemble the function of human eyes, in other words, perform the parallel viewing technique.
Method 1. Receives stereogram image as input, and duplicates it, to two identical images, A and B. 2. (n-0.35n +1) iterations : Takes k columns of pixels from the right side of image A, and the same amount of columns from the left side of B and calculates |A – B|. 3. Searches through the differences for the optimal difference m (which has the maximum of pixels, closest to black (0)). 4. Displays it to the user.
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